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绘本讲师训练营【15期】4/21阅读原创《Busy Police Station》Written by Mandy Archer
Illustrated by Ian Cunliffe
绘本讲师训练营【15期】4/21阅读原创《Busy Police Station》和宝贝读绘本的时候,一起以猜猜的方式共读。书中设计了很多有趣的细节。
绘本讲师训练营【15期】4/21阅读原创《Busy Police Station》Can you find the officers getting ready for their shift?
Open the window,what can you see?
绘本讲师训练营【15期】4/21阅读原创《Busy Police Station》在陪孩子共读的过程中,逐步学习了警察局里警察用的工具,比如手铐hand cuffs,对讲机radios,警帽hat,警察车 police van,摄像机Camera。
Can you see inside the interview room ?
How can you enter the interview room?
绘本讲师训练营【15期】4/21阅读原创《Busy Police Station》 绘本讲师训练营【15期】4/21阅读原创《Busy Police Station》What can you see in this picture?why the man in the room?
绘本讲师训练营【15期】4/21阅读原创《Busy Police Station》Police dog can work for police .they can help police to find out criminals.
Look,Police are training dogs.
绘本讲师训练营【15期】4/21阅读原创《Busy Police Station》Police dog is helping police to find out the burglar. Great job .
绘本讲师训练营【15期】4/21阅读原创《Busy Police Station》讲完故事以后和孩子一起制作警察局的一些工具。比如手铐,钥匙,警察帽等等。可以做角色扮演和孩子一起体会警察这个职业的工作。