【M实事摘要Newsletter】20171217 #1

【M实事摘要Newsletter】20171217 #1

作者: MurphyWan | 来源:发表于2017-12-17 15:19 被阅读13次

欢迎关注【M实事摘要】,这是一则立足中国放眼全球的AI和无人驾驶汽车(SDC)的实事简报(Newsletter)。每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】

1) 驭势科技CEO吴甘沙:自动驾驶将让房价下跌

新浪科技讯12月16日午间消息,在品玩举办的《HAY!17·无限奇境》活动上,驭势科技联合创始人、CEO吴甘沙发表了题为《无人驾驶的从0到1和从1到N》的主题 .... 另外是末端物流,这是奔驰的一款物流车,它的货架是完全结构化、自动化的,可以和顺丰的蜂巢自动接在一起,同时有两架无人机,可以把货物送到 ...

2) B2B一周要闻:京东新通路公布2018年计划

【M一句话点评:JD 2018年底渗透100万家中小门店,5万家便利店;无界零售】
昨日,国内汽车B2B电商公司卖好车与约50家汽车供应商以及200家经销商完成铺车签约和意向签约。据了解,此次铺车会议,旨在为汽车B2B的供需双方搭建沟通桥梁,并通过卖好车的仓储物流系统帮助双方在全国铺车。所谓铺车就是,通过卖好车仓储物流系统,把车铺到离经销商最近的卖好车库房,由卖好车 ...

3) These Alternate-Universe Autonomous F1 Model Kits Are The Best Thing Ever

He's a professional automotive designer. That means when he decides to do a little bit of imaginative automotive artwork for fun, it ends up being the sort of thing that grabs your attention and makes you feel funny way deep in the car-glands. He's been working on a series of model boxes of autonomous ...

4) How Samsung Wants to Help Shape Autonomous Driving

In its latest move, the Korean electronics giant has partnered with Renovo, a Silicon Valley startup whose software pulls together all the software needed for a commercial fleet of shared autonomous vehicles. “The two have been working together since the beginning of this year on enabling the Smart ...

5) China To Lead Global $1 Trillion Autonomous Vehicle Market

Android Headlines
At the same time, Jim Burkhard, head of crude oil markets at IHS says that the real revolution bringing A.I.-assisted autonomous vehicles to the mainstream is still 5 years away. That's in opposition to the ambitions of some companies throughout the world and comes down to consumer trust, government ...

6) 自动化流水线、无人驾驶物流车,大学生参观都惊呆了

在东风风神整车厂,自动化的流水线和无人驾驶物流车给来自青岛的王震宇同学留下了深刻的印象,“我第一次到汽车生产车间参观,原来我们的自动化生产技术 ... 开发区招才局负责人表示,以往只是带学生们去车厂参观学习,这次增加了体验开发区生活、工作环境以及亲临“三办”现场的活动,就是要让新生们了解武汉、 ...

7) GM or Ford: Who's ahead in the self-driving car race?

Automotive News (blog)
Heavyweights GM and Ford duke it out in the robocar ring. Why Tesla's electric semi is 'hauling hopes and dreams.' Plus, how Buick is standing out in a sagging sedan segment. How do I subscribe? Can't wait to hear the next episode of "Weekend Drive"? Subscribe through a podcast app to receive ...

8) How Self-Driving Cars Will Avenge the End of Net Neutrality

The Drive
Self-driving cars are coming, sooner or later. Right now it looks like it's going to be later, which is too bad, because the sooner they get here, the sooner we can show Ajit Pai and his fellow sellouts what unregulated free markets really look like. Forget net neutrality. We need to talk about traffic neutrality.

9) This Startup Is Using AI in Call Centers To Catch Crooks

This article first appeared in Data Sheet, Fortune's daily newsletter on the top tech news. Sign up here. I was in Atlanta Thursday, and for the second time in two weeks I was reminded that Silicon Valley has no monopoly on innovation. I visited a company adjacent to Georgia Institute of Technology called ...

10) World's First AI Citizen in Saudi Arabia Is Now Calling For Women's Rights

【M一句话点评:AI 机器人需要成长,AI使用需要道德规范】
Sophia seems to be making the most of what she was given since given citizenship in Saudi Arabia, as the artificial intelligence (AI) has now turned into an advocate for women's rights in a country where females have been given the right to drive cars only on September of this year. "I see a push for ...

11) Watch Out NVIDIA, Tesla's Working on a Custom AI Chip

【M一句话点评:Tesla也要定制研发AI芯片了。这是继NVIDIA的PX, INTEL的Nervana,谷歌的TPU之后,又一个染指AI芯片的大厂】
The evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) has only just begun, and thus far, there have been very few companies that have been able to meaningfully tap into this nascent technology. One of the biggest beneficiaries thus far has been NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ: NVDA). The same parallel processing ...

北京时间17/12/17 每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】



    本文标题:【M实事摘要Newsletter】20171217 #1
