What does it take to gain grit?
To not give up in the face of difficulty?
To always persist, regardless of what life throws at us?
I revere the idea of grit so deeply because I have almost given up so many times.
In big ways and small ways. I have vowed to never write again, to never exercise again, to never speak to anyone else again. And yet I have never followed through with those vows.
I’ve told myself I’ve given up, but then I haven’t. I always pick myself back up and carry on.
For me, giving up is a momentary reprieve, a trick of the mind that will allow me to just rest for a moment.
But instead of giving in completely, I persist.
Why? Because it is deeply satisfying to achieve my goals, and deeply dissatisfying to not even try. If I watch the world pass me by, I will not only not leave my own mark, but I will only feel envy at the paths of others.
Instead, I have consistently pulled myself back up and continued on down this long road, ignoring the jealousy I may feel, to focus on my own growth.
I have developed grit.
And you can too, by mastering the art of never giving up.