Intel新的SKYLAKE微处理架构自15年发布至今,已经相对成熟可以进入商用阶段,最近很多供货商也都在积极推广;公司之前用的主要都是Sandy bridge架构,18年据说也要停产了,所以需要考虑升级相关事宜。从供货商那边选了两款样机,准备详细测试下网络性能,是否有针对之前架构有性能提升,及提升效能能到多少。
Intel Skylake是英特尔第六代微处理器架构,采用14纳米制程,是Intel Haswell微架构及其制程改进版Intel Broadwell微架构的继任者, 提供更高的CPU和GPU性能并有效减少电源消耗。
- 14纳米制程,6th Gen processor
- 同时支持DDR3L和DDR4-SDRAM两种内存规格,最高支持64GB;
- PCIE支持3.0,速度最高支持8GT/s;
- 去掉了Haswell引入的FIVR,使用分离的PCH,DMI3.0
项目 | 描述 |
操作系统 | linux,内核2.6.X (影响不大) |
CPU | Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz |
内存 | 32GB |
网卡芯片 | intel x710,4口10G |
dpdk版本 | dpdk-16.04 |
测试程序 | l2fwd,l3fwd |
测试套件 | Spirent RFC 2544套件 |
使用dpdk sample程序前需要做一些初始化动作,加载对应的module、驱动,配置对应的大页内存等,写了个初始化脚本如下:
mount -t hugetlbfs nodev /mnt/huge
#set hugepage memory
echo 1024 > /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages
#add kernel module
modprobe uio
insmod /root/dpdk-16.04/x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/kmod/igb_uio.ko
#down interfaces to disable routes
#ifconfig eth0 down
#display netcard driver before bind
/root/dpdk-16.04/tools/dpdk_nic_bind.py -s
#bind driver
/root/dpdk-16.04/tools/dpdk_nic_bind.py -b igb_uio 0000:01:00.0
/root/dpdk-16.04/tools/dpdk_nic_bind.py -b igb_uio 0000:01:00.1
/root/dpdk-16.04/tools/dpdk_nic_bind.py -b igb_uio 0000:01:00.2
/root/dpdk-16.04/tools/dpdk_nic_bind.py -b igb_uio 0000:01:00.3
#display netcard driver after bind
/root/dpdk-16.04/tools/dpdk_nic_bind.py -s
- 网卡参数正常后,发现测试结果仍然无法达到另外一个平台测试的理想结果,此时可以查看l3fwd的启动日志,看看网口启动选择rx和tx函数是否一致:
Initializing rx queues on lcore 4 ... rxq=1,1,0 PMD: check_rx_burst_bulk_alloc_preconditions(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions: rxq->nb_rx_desc=4096, I40E_MAX_RING_DESC=4096, RTE_PMD_I40E_RX_MAX_BURST=32
PMD: check_rx_burst_bulk_alloc_preconditions(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions: rxq->nb_rx_desc=4096, I40E_MAX_RING_DESC=4096, RTE_PMD_I40E_RX_MAX_BURST=32
PMD: i40e_dev_rx_queue_setup(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are not satisfied, Scattered Rx is requested, or RTE_LIBRTE_I40E_RX_ALLOW_BULK_ALLOC is not enabled on port=1, queue=1.
PMD: i40e_set_tx_function(): Vector tx finally be used.
PMD: i40e_pf_config_rss(): Max of contiguous 2 PF queues are configured
PMD: i40e_set_rx_function(): Port[0] doesn't meet Vector Rx preconditions
PMD: i40e_set_rx_function(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are not satisfied, or Scattered Rx is requested (port=0).
PMD: i40e_set_tx_function(): Vector tx finally be used.
PMD: i40e_pf_config_rss(): Max of contiguous 2 PF queues are configured
PMD: i40e_set_rx_function(): Port[1] doesn't meet Vector Rx preconditions
PMD: i40e_set_rx_function(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are not satisfied, or Scattered Rx is requested (port=1).
Initializing rx queues on lcore 0 ... rxq=0,0,0 PMD: i40e_dev_rx_queue_setup(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are satisfied. Rx Burst Bulk Alloc function will be used on port=0, queue=0.
Initializing rx queues on lcore 1 ... rxq=0,1,0 PMD: i40e_dev_rx_queue_setup(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are satisfied. Rx Burst Bulk Alloc function will be used on port=0, queue=1.
Initializing rx queues on lcore 2 ... rxq=1,0,0 PMD: i40e_dev_rx_queue_setup(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are satisfied. Rx Burst Bulk Alloc function will be used on port=1, queue=0.
Initializing rx queues on lcore 3 ... rxq=1,1,0 PMD: i40e_dev_rx_queue_setup(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are satisfied. Rx Burst Bulk Alloc function will be used on port=1, queue=1.
PMD: i40e_set_tx_function(): Vector tx finally be used.
PMD: i40e_pf_config_rss(): Max of contiguous 2 PF queues are configured
PMD: i40e_set_rx_function(): Port[0] doesn't meet Vector Rx preconditions
PMD: i40e_set_rx_function(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are satisfied. Rx Burst Bulk Alloc function will be used on port=0.
PMD: i40e_set_tx_function(): Vector tx finally be used.
PMD: i40e_pf_config_rss(): Max of contiguous 2 PF queues are configured
PMD: i40e_set_rx_function(): Port[1] doesn't meet Vector Rx preconditions
PMD: i40e_set_rx_function(): Rx Burst Bulk Alloc Preconditions are satisfied. Rx Burst Bulk Alloc function will be used on port=1.
可以看出应该是nb_rx_desc 和 nb_tx_desc的设置不一样导致的rx模式选择不一样,正常的选择的是rx_recv_pkts,异常的选择的是i40e_recv_pkts_bulk_alloc。现修改成一致的,测试通过。
- 每个口一个队列,一个核:
./l3fwd -l 0,1,2,3 -n4 -- -p0xf -P --config="(0,0,0)(1,0,1)(2,0,2)(3,0,3)"
- 使用超线程,每个口两个队列,每个队列一个核
l3fwd -l 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -n4 -- -p0xf -P --config="(0,0,0)(0,1,1)(1,0,2)(1,1,3)(2,0,4)(2,1,5)(3,0,6)(3,1,7)"
- 使用超线程,每个口两个队列,每个口一个核
./l3fwd -l 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -n4 -- -p0xf -P --config="(0,0,0)(0,1,0)(1,0,1)(1,1,1)(2,0,2)(2,1,2)(3,0,3)(3,1,3)"
以上是完整的测试过程,以及测试过程中遇到和解决问题的思路,希望能对大家有益。 关于l2fwd测试的效率低下这块,后续还会再修改代码继续研究,如果有成果,再和大家分享。