
作者: FrankML | 来源:发表于2017-09-08 15:08 被阅读0次


Decision Trees are easy to explain. It results in a set of rules. (容易解释)

It follows the same approach as humans generally follow while making decisions.

Interpretation of a complex Decision Tree model can be simplified by its visualizations. Even a naive person can understand logic.(复杂的决策树也容易可视化)

The Number of hyper-parameters to be tuned is almost null.


There is a high probability of overfitting in Decision Tree. (很容易过拟合)

Generally, it gives low prediction accuracy for a dataset as compared to other machine learning algorithms.(通常情况下精确度不如其他算法好)

Information gain in a decision tree with categorical variables gives a biased response for attributes with greater no. of categories.

Calculations can become complex when there are many class labels. (分类较多的是否计算比较复杂)


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