Today, I have summed up some good habits of learning English for you. If you can stick to it, I believe your English will be greatly improved.
Practice anytime and anywhere in daily life.
1. 将英语真正融入日常生活。不要学英语,而要生活在英语当中。
Really integrate English into daily life. Don't learn English, but live in it.
2. 把难单词、难句子制成卡片。放到自己可以接触到的地方,帮助自己随时记忆。
Make difficult words and sentences into cards. Put it where you can reach it and help you remember it at any time.
3. 睁开眼睛的第一件事就是“大声喊英语”。喊出一天的活力和辉煌。喊出一天的充实和成功。
The first thing to open your eyes is to "shout English". Shout out the vitality and glory of the day. Shout out the fullness and success of the day.
4. 平时说英语、练英语的时候一定要元音特别饱满。这样可以训练自己的非凡气质。
At ordinary times, when speaking and practicing English, you must pronounce the vowels very full. In this way, you can train your extraordinary temperament.
5. 看到的、听到的,都尝试翻译成英文。随时随地训练自己的“口译能力”。
Try to translate what you see and hear into English. Train your "interpreting skills" anytime and anywhere.
6. 随时随地携带单词本。收集好单词、好句子、好文章。尤其是名言警句。
Carry the word book anytime, anywhere. Collect good words, good sentences and good articles. Especially famous aphorisms.
7. 乘公交或者地铁的时候可以将卡片拿出来阅读。这是最有效的学习方法。
You can take out the card and read it when you take the bus or subway. This is the most effective way to learn.
Deliberate practice in a planned and deliberate manner.
8. “四个一”原则:每当读英语或说英语的时候,都做到一抬头、一挺胸、一收小腹、一用力。这样,我的英语马上就会变得地道、好听。
The principle of "four ones": whenever you read or speak English, you should raise your head, keep your chest out, take in your belly, and make an effort. In this way, my English will soon become authentic and good to listen to.
9. 有空就练习辅音。要想说一口流利的英语,就必须做到:元音饱满悦耳、辅音准确清晰。比如,经常拿一张纸放在嘴巴前面苦练爆破音:newspaper,popular,possible。经常咬下嘴唇,苦练[v]这个音,夸张地朗读drive,vegetable,five等单词。
Practice consonants when you have time. If you want to speak English fluently, you must do it: the vowels are full and pleasant, and the consonants are accurate and clear. For example, often put a piece of paper in front of your mouth to practice the explosive sound: newspaper,popular, possible. Often bite off the lip, practice the sound [v] hard, and exaggerate the pronunciation of words such as drive, vegetable,five.
10. 尽量多地听录音。这是最有效、最便宜的学习方法。听得越多,语感就越好。而且你的英语发音就越好听。
11. “每天有计划的训练自己的“翻译能力”。学习英语的最高目标就是:中英文自由转换。这也是社会最需要的能力,当然这也是为你自己创造最大价值的能力。这个能力很难获得,一定要每天坚持练习。先准确翻译单词,然后是句子,其次是短文。
12. 收集好文章。将所有让自己心动的文章反复朗读,最好能脱口而出。因为只有背诵课文才是征服英语的最终解决之路。
13. 要养成一种伟大的习惯:善于利用一天当中大量的被忽略的、被浪费的一分钟、两分钟。你一旦有了这个伟大的习惯,你的一天将是别人的两天,甚至三天。
14. 要养成随身携带英语书的习惯。在窗边、厨房、客厅,甚至厕所都放了英语书,快速看上一两分钟就足够了。什么都怕天天做,什么都怕坚持。
15. 要养成热爱丢脸的习惯。管它说好说坏,只管疯狂地说。只有这样才会越说越好。You must enjoy losing face!
16. 忘掉谦虚。卖弄得越多,记忆得越牢。
17. 疯狂收集和掌握成语。英语的一个难点就是习惯用语,也可以称为习语。现在就送你一个:get on one’snerves,意思是“让某人很烦”。请脱口而出这个句子:That noise get son my nerves。(那噪音让我心烦。)
18. 第一句不能脱口而出,坚决不学第二句。这又是一个伟大的习惯。刚开始的时候,进度可能比较慢,但一定要坚持,因为这样做会为自己打下坚实的基础。
19. 把每天坚持朗读英语当成训练自己意志力的一个办法。这种训练一举两得:既让自己变得更有意志,而且顺便讲了一口流利的英语。
20. 每天都赞扬自己的记忆力。自己的语言模仿能力,自己的天赋。不要给自己的负面思想留下任何空间。从今天开始养成这个习惯。
21. 永远记住:重复就是力量。我们学不好英语,做不好工作的原因就是重复得远远不够。为了训练自己的英语功力和耐心,请你每个月都做这样一件事情:把一篇文章每天朗读三次,每次三遍,连续一个月。奇迹一定会发生。你的发音、语感,你的记忆力、理解力都会得到提升。