

作者: 岱zy | 来源:发表于2018-03-08 17:06 被阅读350次

    That is alll of the time you have left in the world.son.Use it wisely.

    He had been given the watch on his tenth birdthday. it was an ordinary gray plastic wristwatch in every respect except for the fact that it was counting down.

    "That is all of the time you have left in the world, on. Use it wisely."

    As the watch ticked away,the boy,now a man, lived life to the fullest. He climebed mountains and swam oceans. he talked and laughed and lived and loved. The man was never afraid, for he knew exactly how much time he had built.

    Eventually,the watch its began its final countdown. The old man stood looking over everything he had done,everything he had built.

    5 He shook hands with his old busuness partner, the man who had long been his friend and confidant.

    4.His dog came and licked his hand,earning a pat on the head for its companionship.

    3.He hugged his son,knowing he had been a good father.

    2.He kissed his wife on the forehead one last time.

    1.The old man smiled and close his eyes.

    Then, nothing happened. The watch beeped onec and turned off. The man stood standing there. very much alive. You would think that in that moment he would have been overjoyed. Instead, for the first time in his life, the man was scared.



