AD5940 Examples Change log
## 0.1.1(2018-4-16)
### Added
* *Support Silicon version 2 now. Change this by macro SILICON_VER locates in file AD5940.H*
* Add HSTIA DE node RTIA 50Ohm/100Ohm/200Ohm settings.
* Add SWT_DE0 and SWT_DE1 option.
* Add BiasVolt option to Impedance example. The excitation signal is now composed of AC+DC.
### Changed
* Use AD5940_HWReset() to reset AD5940.
### Deprecated
* Silicon version 1 won't be supported in future.
* The name of channel 1 pins will be replaced by AFE1 to AFE4.
### Removed
* Remove LpDacMode option. This is always over-ride by LpDacSW. For Silicon 1, LPDAC mode is set to normal mode.
### Fixed
* Fix bug in function AD5940_LPDACCfgS(), PowerEn and DataRst bit process is incorrect; AD5940_ClksCalculate(), ADC SINC2 and SINC3 OSR settings are index value not real OSR value. For example, 0 means ADCSINC3_OSR5.
* Fix Impedance example bug. The last sequencer command is STOP not NOP in initialization sequence.
## 0.1.0(2018-4-13)
* Initial release of project