L47/48-Fast-food Talk

L47/48-Fast-food Talk

作者: Simin的快乐法杖 | 来源:发表于2020-11-28 07:17 被阅读0次


1.突然出现,冒出来;流行        pop up

2.匆忙地   in a hurry / in a rush / in haste

3. 填饱饥饿  satisfy one's hunger

4.炸薯条  fries

5. 入乡随俗  When in Rome, do as the Rome do

6. 喜欢快刀斩乱麻  like things done immediately

7. 以这种方法行事  try to order this way

8. 柜台收银员  cashier

9. 不必客套了,省省吧。  Save it.

10. 点餐 order one's food

#语法 | 仿写


It is generally accepted that…….

It is generally accepted that the earth is round

2. 如雨后春笋般在世界流行起来

be popping up all over the world

3. 要不要……?

Would you care for a drink or anything else?  =  Would you like  a drink or anything else?

4. 感觉如何呢……?

How does it feel to + v.

How does it feel to be the richest person in the world?

#Simin 的转述:

It is generally accepted that fast-food is not healthful for people, but why does the kind of restaurants is popping up all over the world?

Because there are some people in a rush who don't have enough time to sit down to a regular meal, When racing over the restaurant, they can quickly satisfy their hunger. Meanwhile, because Americans like things down immediately, at the restaurants, you will hear that they say a burger, fires and a coke! May be it's not polite, but it is efficient. So when you are in the States, try to order this way. After all, when you are in American, do as the Americans do.



    本文标题:L47/48-Fast-food Talk
