featureplot 统一scale

featureplot 统一scale

作者: 依然At | 来源:发表于2023-02-20 10:15 被阅读0次

    使用Seurat 中自带函数featureplot 在使用了split函数之后就没有legend了

    FeaturePlot(object = obj, features = "Gene", split.by = "Meta_Name", order = T) # 没有scale bar
    FeaturePlot(object = obj, features = "Gene", split.by = "Meta_Name", order = T) + theme(legend.position = "right")   # 只有右侧的图有bar
    FeaturePlot(object = obj, features = "Gene", split.by = "Meta_Name", order = T) & theme(legend.position = "right")   # 两个都有bar, 但不是统一的scale,可能有修饰图片的可能
    FeaturePlot(object = obj, features = "Gene", split.by = "Meta_Name", keep_scale = T, order = T) & theme(legend.position = "right") #统一的scale,但函数版本可能过时,keep_scale 已经换掉
    FeaturePlot(object = obj, features = "Gene", split.by = "Meta_Name", keep.scale = "all" , order = T) & theme(legend.position = "right")  ##统一的scale,keep.scale 已经换掉

    How to handle the color scale across multiple plots. Options are:

    "feature" (default; by row/feature scaling): The plots for each individual feature are scaled to the maximum expression of the feature across the conditions provided to 'split.by'.

    "all" (universal scaling): The plots for all features and conditions are scaled to the maximum expression value for the feature with the highest overall expression.

    NULL (no scaling): Each individual plot is scaled to the maximum expression value of the feature in the condition provided to 'split.by'. Be aware setting NULL will result in color scales that are not comparable between plots.

    只是用+是不可以的,那样就只会只改split图中右边的那个图 使用&符号的时候是会两个都改的

    m_featureplot <- FeaturePlot(M_Aggregated_seurat, features = "Lepr", reduction = "tsne",
                                 split.by = "orig.ident", pt.size = 1.8, repel = F, label = F,
                                 order = T, max.cutoff = 1)
    m_featureplot <- m_featureplot & scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(-30, 20, 10)) ## 改x轴刻度标签
    m_featureplot <- m_featureplot & scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(-30, 20, 10)) ## 改y轴刻度标签
    m_featureplot <- m_featureplot +  theme(axis.text.y = element_blank()) +   ## 删去所有刻度标签
                                      theme(axis.ticks.y = element_blank()) +  ##则只删去 Y 轴的刻度线
                                      theme(axis.line.y = element_blank())
    m_featureplot <- m_featureplot + ylab("")


    FeaturePlot(pbmc_small, "LYZ") + scale_colour_gradientn(colours = rev(brewer.pal(n = 11, name = "RdBu")))


    p1 <- FeaturePlot(pbmc_small, features = c("PPBP", "IGLL5", "SDPR"), combine = FALSE )
    fix.sc <- scale_color_gradientn( colours = c('lightgrey', 'blue'),  limits = c(1, 8))
    p2 <- lapply(p1, function (x) x + fix.sc)

    另:自定义featureplot customize FeaturePlot in Seurat for multi-condition comparisons using patchwork | DNA confesses Data speak (rbind.io)

    Add keep.scale param to FeaturePlot when creating split plots by samuel-marsh · Pull Request #3748 · satijalab/seurat · GitHub

    FeaturePlot color scale legend with custom colors · Issue #2400 · satijalab/seurat · GitHub

    Set range for color code in FeaturePlot · Issue #1841 · satijalab/seurat · GitHub



          本文标题:featureplot 统一scale
