

作者: 一弯港湾 | 来源:发表于2016-12-27 22:52 被阅读32次

[A sannyasin who is leaving for the West says: I’m feeling very happy. I learnt here to believe.]


That’s very good. That’s the most important thing in life – to have trust, the capacity to believe. Even if your belief doesn’t come true sometimes, then too go on believing. The result is not important. The very fact that you can believe is a great and valuable treasure.


Never allow anybody to sabotage your trust. You believe in a person and he deceives you. He takes your money or in some other way deceives you. He could deceive you only because of your belief. When one is deceived, one starts feeling that belief is not right, that trust is not good; that it is because of trust that you have been deceived. People think then that if they had doubted from the very beginning, nobody would have been able to deceive them. Then they stop trusting, but they are losing something very valuable.


You can be deceived; that’s nothing important. Somebody takes your money; money comes and goes. Somebody never fulfills his promise. That too has to be forgiven because man is helpless. Because of these things don’t drop your trust.


Whatsoever happens in life, go on trusting. Even when every situation is against it, go on trusting. Your trust will give you an integration. You will become more solid.





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