"Join", "enter" 和 "go into" 都可以用来描述进入某个职业或行业,但它们在用法和含义上略有不同。
"Join" 常用于表示加入一个组织、机构或团体,例如参军、加入学术社团等。因此,在职业方面,"join" 通常指融入某个行业的群体,成为其中的一员。例如:
After completing his studies, he joined the accounting profession and became a certified public accountant.
"Enter" 常用于表示开始从事某种工作或活动,尤其是首次进入某个领域或行业。例如:
She entered the field of journalism as a reporter right after graduation.
He entered the legal profession after passing the bar exam.
"Go into" 也可以表示进入某个领域或行业,但更强调的是从事某项工作或活动所需要的决定或行动。例如:
After finishing high school, she decided to go into medicine and pursue a career as a doctor.
He went into politics at a young age and was later elected to Congress.