
作者: vico | 来源:发表于2020-05-25 08:55 被阅读0次

“苍山空寂 明月清朗 幽潭澄澈

野花自开自落 浮云时聚时散”

Everything comes and goes




Your emotion

It’s said that emotion comes from an “e” with movere, the complicated feelings generates from moving from one place to another.

Well, as human, we are born with feelings.

Even we don’t move physically, try staying at one place, our minds flipping, feelings attached.

It’s only stops when we can put still, concentrate, like really focus on one thing.

The the calmness might visit for a very little while.

If it really comes,

We get to see ourselves clearly

Who we really are

Nothing much or less than anybody else

To meet quietness through all the noises

We could catch our breath

Hear the blood running through the veins

Touch another heart bumping

Ever see a river stopping floating in the moonlight shadow

Yeah, Just like that

Stop, stop trying, what’s the point of letting go while there’s nothing we could hold still

It’s me, only me, this whole time

You hear me

So get alone with you

Knowing you

Accepting you

Take care of you


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