
作者: 岁月静好_现象英语 | 来源:发表于2019-04-29 18:21 被阅读0次

1. 认识这个词(基础篇)


例句:As a matter of fact, affirmative action is a well-meaning theory at best and an ill-functioning policy at worst.

2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)

上周我们学习了“well-”,今天我们学习一个和它相反的前缀“ill-”,同样是让我们的表述更简洁的好用表达。ill- 常和用于形容词搭配,表示“坏/差”、“不够…”,我们通过一些例子掌握它的用法。

比如疫苗丑闻曝光后,许多家长受一些不负责任的文章影响,不明就里地决定不再给孩子打疫苗。想描述这种现象,我们就可以用到 ill-informed:

After the vaccine scandal, a growing number of ill-informed parents refuse to vaccinate their children.

Justin 在一篇写“平权运动”(affirmative action)时就用到了 ill-:

As a matter of fact, affirmative action is a well-meaning theory at best and an ill-functioning policy at worst.

《经济学人》中也非常频繁地使用 ill-,比如:

Programmes and policies come and go, and are often ill-designed.(形容项目、政策设计有问题,就可以用 ill-designed)

Just before 10pm on April 29th Ms Rudd tendered her resignation, pitching Theresa May’s ill-starred government into yet another crisis.(ill-starred 在这里表示“运气不佳的”“注定失败的”,《经济学人》经常用到这个表达)

As Andrew Lawler recounts in “The Secret Token”, it begins in 1587 with the ill-conceived, ill-executed attempt to found the New World’s first English settlement on Roanoke Island.(ill-conceived 和 ill-executed 可以理解为“计划不周的”和“执行不到位的”)

3. 从认识到会用(作业)



(参考翻译:The decision is well-intended but ill-advised.)



Your decision is well-intended but ill-methold and style in dealing with co-workers  .


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