CHAP 7 述而

CHAP 7 述而

作者: 山巅一寺 | 来源:发表于2014-11-05 00:17 被阅读73次


    I transmit the old truth and do not originate any new theory. I am well acquainted and love the study of Antiquity.


    To meditate in silence, patiently to acquire knowledge, and to be indefatigable in teaching it to others.


    Neglect of godliness, study without understanding, failure to act up to what I believe to be right, and inability to change bad habits, these are things which cause me constant solicitude. 


    Seek for wisdom, hold fast to godliness, live a moral life, and enjoy the pleasures derived from the pursuit of the polite arts.


    Act when called upon to act in public life, when neglected, to be content to lead out a private life. 

    7.18 其为人也,发愤忘食,乐以忘忧,不知老之将至。

    He is a man, who, in the efforts he makes to overcome the difficulty in acquiring knowledge, neglects his food; and in the joy of its attainment, forgets his sorrows of life; and who thus absorbed, becomes oblivious that old age is stealing on him

    7.21子曰 三人行必有我师焉,择其善者从之,择其不善者改之

    Confucius remarks: when three men meet together, one of them who is anxious to learn can always learn something of the other two. He can profit by the good example of the one and avoid the bad example of the other.


    God has given me this moral and intellectual power in me.

    7.24 文行忠信

    The knowledge of literature and arts; conduct;  conscientiousness and truthfulness.

    7.36君子坦荡荡 小人常戚戚

    The good and wise man is composed and happy; a fool is always worried and distress.



          本文标题:CHAP 7 述而
