--rna-strandness <string>
Specify strand-specific information: the default is unstranded.
For single-end reads, use F or R. 'F' means a read corresponds to a transcript. 'R' means a read corresponds to the reverse complemented counterpart of a transcript. For paired-end reads, use either FR or RF.
对于单末端reads,使用F或R。“ F”表示reads对应于转录本。“ R”是指reads对应于转录本的反向互补链。对于双末端reads,请使用FR或RF。
With this option being used, every read alignment will have an XS attribute tag: '+' means a read belongs to a transcript on '+' strand of genome. '-' means a read belongs to a transcript on '-' strand of genome.
使用此选项时,每个read比对结果都具有一个XS属性tag:“ +”表示read属于基因组“ +”链上的转录本。“-”表示read属于基因组“-”链上的转录本。
(TopHat has a similar option, --library-type option, where fr-firststrand corresponds to R and RF; fr-secondstrand corresponds to F and FR.)
TopHat有一个类似的选项,--library-type选项,其中fr-firststrand对应于R和RF; fr-secondstrand对应于F和FR。)