Who Moved My Cheese 2017-Apr-19
The 3rdlesson.
This is just a introduction about thisbook in “A Gathering Chicago”, and this is not much that gave me a deeptouching.
Startin the story start talking about the two Mice (Sniff and Scurry) and thetwoLittlepeople (Hem and Haw).
Something that I should take remarks formyself:-
1.“It was as easy place for anyone to getlost” just like this world.
2.Mice have good memory to remembered thecorridors, and they using their great nose.
3.Develop more sophisticated methods offinding Cheese.
4.The have human beliefs and emotions tookover and clouded the way they looked at things.
5.They arrived early each morning andsniffed and scratched and scurried around.
6.Littlepoeople overlook with manychanges, and even prided themselves and lookdown on the mice. Which we alwaysdo.
7.Some words that I should marked:-
Scoffed, hollered, sniffed, scurried, nibble,overanalyze, arrogance of success, echoed.
This is how I feel and remark for myselffor the third lesson.