Chapter 7 -- Performance Analysi

Chapter 7 -- Performance Analysi

作者: SunANDrain | 来源:发表于2017-12-26 18:47 被阅读0次


       1. General speedup formula

       2. Amdahl's Law

       3. Gustfson-Barsis' Law 

       4. Karp-Flatt metric

       5. Isoefficiency metric 

    General speedup formula:

              ※ Inherently sequential computations :  δ(n)

              ※ Potentially parallel computations : φ(n)

              ※ Communication operations : k(n,p)

    Amdahl's Law:

    f-sequential(serial) p-processors

    The Limitation of Amdahl's Law: ignores overhead associated with the introduction of parallelism.(忽略了引入并行性所带来的开销)

    Amdahl's Effect:  Speedup is usually an increasing function of the problem size for a fixed number of processors.(对于固定数量的处理器,加速比是问题规模的增函数)

    Amdahl's Law assumes that minimizing execution time is the focus of parallel computing.(Amdahl定律假设并行计算的主要目标是缩短执行时间)

    Gustafson-Barsis's Law


    Karp-Flatt metric

    Experimentally Determined Serial Fraction -- 实验决定的串行比例

    * Takes into account parallel overhead

    * Detects other sources of overhead or inefficiency ignored in speedup model (发现并行程序执行模型中所忽略的其他开销的来源)

        * Process startup time

        * Process synchronization time

        * Imbalanced workload

        * Architectural overhead



    Isoefficiency metric

    * Parallel system: parallel program executing on a parallel computer

    * Scalability of a parallel system: measure of its ability to increase performance as number of processors increases

    * A scalable system maintains efficiency as processors are added

    * Isoefficiency: way to measure scalability

    Isoefficiency Derivation Steps

    Begin with speedup formula

    Compute total amount of overhead

    Assume efficiency remains constant

    Determine relation between sequential execution time and overhead

    Scalability Function

    Suppose isoefficiency relation is n >= f(p)

    Let M(n) denote memory required for problem of size n

    M(f(p))/p shows how memory usage per processor must increase to maintain same efficiency

    We call M(f(p))/p the scalability function

    Meaning of Scalability Function

    To maintain efficiency when increasing p, we must increase n

    Maximum problem size limited by available memory, which is linear in p

    Scalability function shows how memory usage per processor must grow to maintain efficiency

    Scalability function a constant means parallel system is perfectly scalable


    Amdahl effect -- Amdahl效应

    Amdahl's Law -- Amdahl定律

    efficiency -- 效率

    experimentally determined serial fraction -- 实验确定串行比例

    Gustafson - Barsis's Law

    isoefficiency relation -- 等效关系

    Karp - Flatt metric -- ... 度量

    parallel system -- 并行系统

    scalability -- 可扩展性

    scalability function -- 可扩展函数

    scaled speedup -- 比例加速比

    speedup -- 加速比



          本文标题:Chapter 7 -- Performance Analysi
