焦虑工具箱 第8章
Avoidance 规避
Behavioral Shifts to Overcome Avoidance Coping 转变行为以克服规避应对模式
Thinking shifts are only half the answer when it comes to stopping avoidance coping. You have to marry your thinking shifts with little shifts in your behavior. The more tiny behavioral shifts you make to scale back your avoidance, the less you’ll experience urges to avoid in the first place. In other words, your behavior will influence your thoughts and feelings. The strategies in this section, combined with the thinking shifts we’ve discussed, will help you make significant changes in your avoidance habits.
Work Through a Hierarchy of Avoided Situations 通过避免情景的阶梯来转变
Back in Chapter 5 on rumination, we covered imagery exposure. Let’s now talk about a different type of exposure technique. Virtually every version of CBT for anxiety disorders involves working through what’s called an exposure hierarchy. The concept is simple. You make a list of all the situations and behaviors you avoid due to anxiety. You then assign a number to each item on your list based on how anxiety provoking you expect doing the avoided behavior would be. Use numbers from 0 (=not anxiety provoking at all) to 100 (=you would fear having an instant panic attack). For example, attempting to talk to a famous person in your field at a conference might be an 80 on the 0–100 scale.
Sort your list in order, from least to most anxiety provoking. Aim to construct a list that has several avoided actions in each 10-point range. For example, several that fall between 20 and 30, between 30 and 40, and so on, on your anxiety scale. That way, you won’t have any jumps that are too big. Omit things that are anxiety provoking but wouldn‘t actually benefit you (such as eating a fried insect).
Make a plan for how you can work through your hierarchy, starting at the bottom of the list. Where possible, repeat an avoided behavior several times before you move up to the next level. For example, if one of your items is talking to a colleague you find intimidating, do this several times (with the same or different colleagues) before moving on.
When you start doing things you’d usually avoid that are low on your hierarchy, you’ll gain the confidence you need to do the things that are higher up on your list. It’s important you don’t use what are called safety behaviors. Safety behaviors are things people do as an anxiety crutch—for example, wearing their lucky undies when they approach that famous person or excessively rehearsing what they plan to say.
There is a general consensus within psychology that exposure techniques like the one just described are among the most effective ways to reduce problems with anxiety. In clinical settings, people who do exposures get the most out of treatment. Some studies have even shown that just doing exposure can be as effective as therapies that also include extensive work on thoughts. If you want to turbocharge your results, try exposure. If you find it too difficult to do alone, consider working with a therapist.
Try a 30-Day Project for Overcoming Avoidance Coping 尝试30天克服规避应对模式
Avoidance coping habits aren’t something you can snap your fingers and change. A 30-day project focused on gradually turning around avoidance coping can help. You can use this approach as an alternative to the exposure hierarchy if doing a 30-day project seems more appealing or relevant to you.
During the 30 days, take as many opportunities as you can to be less avoidant than you usually would be. This will help you overcome any problems you might have with not knowing where to start in reducing your avoidance. As situations come up, focus on taking some action, even if you’re not certain what the absolute right action is. For example, if you’re confused by all the options for backing up your digital photos in the cloud, you might ask your most tech-savvy friend what she does, and just go with that. You can always switch later.
Don’t be too all-or-nothing about overcoming avoidance coping. We all have only so much willpower available for dealing with things we’d prefer not to do. The goal is to start unraveling your avoidance coping habits bit by bit. If you sometimes fall back into the avoidance coping trap, that’s to be expected.
Boyes Ph.D, Alice. The Anxiety Toolkit