

作者: 我叫徐老师 | 来源:发表于2017-05-03 15:49 被阅读0次


    Reading Romeo and Juliet with students




    To better help my teaching and research design, I was reading Romeo and Juliet in Elizabeth spelling with my students  and trying the strategy into my own reading.Not every students like reading especially reading on difficult text like Romeo and Juliet in Elizabeth spelling. After several lessons, one of the most active and smart Indian boy wrote this in the learning journal :What’s point of reading Romeo and Juliet ?I was deceived by a really attractive book with diverse designs on it, but I found out the context (plot) are really boring.


    To be honest, I had the same feeling as a rookie Shakespeare reader. Besides It is not easy to go over the process of decoding the Elizabeth spelling words and understand the unfamiliar expressions, I did not really fully understand the meaning of reading this book. Shakesprae's language seems irrelevant to our modern life anymore. We are no longer speak like that, the long soliloquies is regarded as cheesy and dramatic.

    然而,在经历了60天的阅读,尤其是听过了Karshen(语言教学大牛, 提出“可理解性输入”假说)关于阅读的讲座之后,我似乎得到了答案:我们阅读不仅仅是了解内容,而是为了建立我们自己和“大概念”之间的桥梁,通过将自己与文本联系起来,我们可以得到解决问题的见解。



    However, after attending the seminar by Karshen, I seems got the answer : we read this book not for the content, but for building the bridge between ourself and the "big ideas”. By linking ourself to the text, we can sort of get insights inproblem solving.

    Now the question turns out: Can literature slove problem ? This is not a textbook or reference book.

    My answer is : Yes, but we need some strategies.



    First step : Building the bridge between ourself and the "big ideas”.

    问题1:莎士比亚的语言, 和阅读和写作有什么关系?

    莎士比亚的语言天赋是值得欣赏的,他的语言所体现出的技巧和技能,不论是对我们的学习,参加例如雅思托福等语言测试,甚至未来的工作都是重要的。除了像人物对话中频繁出现的双关语和讽刺,其实就是政治世界常见的语言技巧之外,莎士比亚的作品里,一些古典的表达变成了英语世界中的习语,如“you can’t judge a person based on its cover”(出自第二幕里面朱丽叶和母亲的对话)。如果你可以在你的日常语言或雅思口语考试中,使用这个俚语,那么它是一个额外的加分点哦。

    1) Language and reading

    His language genius is worthwhile to appreciate and these lingustic devices use are transferable skill important for our learning, like attending language test and even for our future jobs.Besides abundant examples of like pun and irony , which are the common tricks in the political world , some of the classical expression turn into idioms in English speaking world like "you can’t judge a person based on its cover” (See from the dialogue between Juliet and her mother). It’s definitely a extra point for you if you can use the idiom in the IELTS speaking/ Writing test.


    Not to mention the benefits for reading other difficult text. I feel it is easier to recognize the long chunks even in academic paper reading as my brain has get used to the complex cognition process of text( decode, comprehend , analyze and link )



    2) Feel and Control Emotion

    The characters show rich emotions just like ourLife is filled with memories containing genres of all the sort. Sad, angry, happy, excited, nervous.  If you just fell in love or had a quarrel with your lover, you will feel the empathy and thus automatically draw the connection.I feel these mirrors myself, enjoying designing & teaching and being with students but struggling for job-hunting , experiencing happiness, disappointment, excitement , and sadness almost in half a day.


    Likewise, the characteristics of main characters are still traceable in most human’s life.It is common to see the impulsiveness of Romeo in some adolescences nowadays, or even elderly peoplewhen hecannot control his emotions properly.The problem what kind of  we  insights we can get to feel and control emotion?


    Of course, modern of us, most of them will not be the same as Romeo, let the blood rushed into the brain, impulsively to reasonlessly forget their status, for the dedication of love.But there are many motivations for impulsivity, and sometimes we are caught in an emotional pit, such as got caught by the fear because the blood burst into the skeletal muscle, fear of failure, fear of unknown, afraid to try new things, which resulting in some irrational behavior. How to make themselves be more aware of emotion, and control emotions, is a problem that we all need to discover and reflect on.

    3)Understand Human’s complexity, understand ourselves





