
作者: 裕祺 | 来源:发表于2018-10-19 22:18 被阅读7次

    The SUN

    Your Key to Self-Actualization

    The Sun in your birth chart reveals your individual, creative style of self-expression and leadership. Your Sun Sign holds information revealing your secret powers for creating success.

    Your Secret Magical Power:

    The Power of Expansion

    As a Sagittarius, you generally have a lot of energy and a happy smile. You say hello, welcome everybody, and make eye contact. You have an eagerness to make somebody's day - to make them smile.

    At a social gathering, you're outgoing, talkative, and easy to interact with. Sometimes a righteous tone can enter into you conversation and an attachment to your point of view as being absolute "Truth." Your style can be quite direct, although your motive is generally to help the other person.


    Because of your optimism, you kind of float through life. When bad things happen to you, you're able to put them out of your mind. You don't want to dwell in negative emotional realms. Your ability to block out negative things about your past helps you to maintain peace of mind.

    You are willing to go forward believing the best, and if you get knocked down by life, you pick yourself up and go on your way. Always the optimist.

    As a Sagittarius, you are teaching humankind the beauty of giving - the value of generosity in all forms. Your generosity is based on the golden rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." You have a strong sense of ethics. By living in accordance with spiritual law, you experience peace of mind.

    Your Life Lesson Involves:

    Learning to Think Before you Speak (included in the full report)

    Sun in the Houses

    How to Spark Your Vitality

    Discover the environments that stimulate your Sun – your vitality, creativity and leadership skills. This information is revealed by the House location of the Sun in your chart. If your birth time is unknown, the Solar Chart has been used.


    Your SUN is located in the 6th house of your birth chart. Thus you gain vitality from your job, being with co-workers, or working on projects. You feel you have the right to enjoy your daily work and the ability to express a sense of duty effectively.

    The MOON

    Your Key to Emotional Fulfillment

    The Moon in your birth chart shows how you can gain emotional satisfaction. It reveals the non-verbal part of you – your instinctive, emotional responses to situations and people in your environment. It describes the style of how you need to relate to others to feel nurtured, secure, happy and emotionally fulfilled.


    Your Moon is in the sign of Leo

    You can create the self-worth you need by noticing that old methods for achieving admiration from others do not result in success. The values projected may not be what others want or need.

    Your key is to first relinquish the position of director, producer, and main character in your life drama. This empowers you to get in touch with the audience and find out which of your many talents and resources are appropriate to the situation.

    By approaching relationships thinking, "It's not what you can do for me, it's what I can do for you," you experience an unshakable sense of your own worth. When you open yourself to the desires and needs of others, you gain insight into the role you can play. By inspiring others you are not only entertained but gain a sense of self-worth in the process.

    In the full natal report, strategies for gaining emotional satisfaction - as well as past life experiences - are revealed.



