- 截图函数
options <Object> Options object which might have the following properties:
path <string> The file path to save the image to. The screenshot type will be inferred from file extension. If path is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to current working directory. If no path is provided, the image won't be saved to the disk.
type <string> Specify screenshot type, can be either jpeg or png. Defaults to 'png'.
quality <number> The quality of the image, between 0-100. Not applicable to png images.
fullPage <boolean> When true, takes a screenshot of the full scrollable page. Defaults to false.
clip <Object> An object which specifies clipping region of the page. Should have the following fields:
x <number> x-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area
y <number> y-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area
width <number> width of clipping area
height <number> height of clipping area
omitBackground <boolean> Hides default white background and allows capturing screenshots with transparency. Defaults to false.
encoding <string> The encoding of the image, can be either base64 or binary. Defaults to binary.
returns: <Promise<string|Buffer>> Promise which resolves to buffer or a base64 string (depending on the value of encoding) with captured screenshot.
async function getScreenshot() {
const timestamp = Date.parse(new Date());
const path = 'temp/timestamp';
await page.screenshot({path});
async function getScreenshot() {
const path = 'temp/${uuid.v1()}
await page.screenshot({path});
2.3 自定义
saync function getScreenshot(name) {
const path = 'temp/${name}
async function highLightElement( selector){
await page.evaluate("document.querySelector("" + selector + "").style.border="1px solid red"");
async function highLightScreenshots(selector) {
const path = 'temp/${uuid.v1()}
await this.highLightElement(selector);
await page.screenshot({path});
4.1 用例失败后,截图,jest中可以使用[afterAll(fn, timeout)
4.2 在case重要的步骤后,截图
4.3 设置截图等级,最高的定义在每个操作步骤后截图,比如,在封装好的click函数中加入截图
async function click(_node,selector) {
let ele = await this.getElement(_node,selector);
await this.highLightScreenshots(_node, selector);
await ele.click();