

作者: YottaYuan | 来源:发表于2020-03-18 03:29 被阅读0次




Isaac应用程序由JavaScript对象表示法(JSON)文件定义。以下示例位于Isaac SDK中,位于apps/tutorials/ping/ping.app.json,显示了基本格式。

  "name": "ping",
  "modules": [
  "graph": {
    "nodes": [
        "name": "ping",
        "components": [
            "name": "ping",
            "type": "isaac::Ping"
    "edges": []
  "config": {
    "ping" : {
      "ping" : {
        "tick_period" : "1Hz"


  • name 是带有应用程序名称的字符串。

  • <dl class="first docutils" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 24px; padding: 0px; list-style: none none;">

    <dt style="box-sizing: border-box; font-weight: bold;">modules是正在使用的库的列表。在上面的示例中,我们包括</dt>

    <dd style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 12px 24px;">//apps/tutorials/ping:ping_components以便“ apps / tutorials / ping / Ping.cpp”。可用。Isaac SDK带有高质量且经过良好测试的软件包,我们可以将其导入为模块。modules本教程稍后将显示一个更长的示例。</dd>


  • graph 有两个小节来定义应用程序的功能:

    • nodes是我们应用程序的基本模块。在这个简单的示例中,我们只有一个名为“ ping”的节点,它具有单个组件。请注意,此组件的类型 isaac::Ping与的最后一行匹配apps/tutorials/ping/Ping.hpp。典型的Isaac应用程序具有多个节点,每个节点通常具有多个组件。
    • edges将组件连接在一起并启用它们之间的通信。本示例不需要连接任何组件。
  • config使您可以根据我们的用例调整每个节点的参数。在此示例中,指定ping组件应在1赫兹处滴答。

定义了应用程序之后,接下来需要创建一个makefile。以下是BUILD与ping应用程序关联的 文件。

load("//engine/build:isaac.bzl", "isaac_app", "isaac_cc_module")

    name = "ping_components",
    srcs = ["Ping.cpp"],
    hdrs = ["Ping.hpp"],
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
    deps = ["//engine/alice"],

    name = "ping",
    data = ["fast_ping.json"],
    modules = [


小码是使用Isaac构建的机器人应用程序的基本构建块。Isaac SDK包含可以在您的应用程序中使用的各种代码。如下例所示,派生您的小码。


以下Ping.hpp和Ping.cpp清单在以下位置显示了示例代码的来源 apps/tutorials/ping

// This is the header file located at apps/tutorials/ping/Ping.hpp

#pragma once

#include <string>

#include "engine/alice/alice.hpp"

namespace isaac {

// A simple C++ codelet that prints periodically
class Ping : public alice::Codelet {
  // Has whatever needs to be run in the beginning of the program
  void start() override;
  // Has whatever needs to be run repeatedly
  void tick() override;

  // Message to be printed at every tick
  ISAAC_PARAM(std::string, message, "Hello World!");

}  // namespace isaac

// This is the C++ file located at apps/tutorials/ping/Ping.cpp

#include "Ping.hpp"

namespace isaac {

void Ping::start() {
  // This part will be run once in the beginning of the program

  // We can tick periodically, on every message, or blocking. The tick period is set in the
  // json ping.app.json file. You can for example change the value there to change the tick
  // frequency of the node.
  // Alternatively you can also overwrite configuration with an existing configuration file
  // like in the example file fast_ping.json. Run the application like this to use an
  // additional config file:
  //   bazel run //apps/tutorials/ping -- --config apps/tutorials/ping/fast_ping.json

void Ping::tick() {
  // This part will be run at every tick. We are ticking periodically in this example.

  // Print the desired message to the console

}  // namespace isaac




  "name": "proportional_control_cpp",
  "modules": [
  "config": {
    "cpp_controller": {
      "isaac.ProportionalControlCpp": {
        "tick_period": "10ms"
    "segway_rmp": {
      "isaac.SegwayRmpDriver": {
        "ip": "",
        "tick_period": "20ms",
        "speed_limit_angular": 1.0,
        "speed_limit_linear": 1.0,
        "flip_orientation": true
      "isaac.alice.Failsafe": {
        "name": "segway"
    "diffbase_joystick": {
      "isaac.alice.FailsafeHeartbeat": {
        "interval": 0.25,
        "failsafe_name": "segway",
        "heartbeat_name": "deadman_switch"
      "isaac.navigation.RobotRemoteControl": {
        "tick_period": "10ms"
    "odometry": {
      "isaac.navigation.DifferentialBaseOdometry": {
        "tick_period": "100Hz"
    "websight": {
      "WebsightServer": {
        "webroot": "packages/sight/webroot",
        "assetroot": "/home/nvidia/isaac-lfs/sight/assets",
        "port": 3000,
        "ui_config": {
          "windows": {
            "Proportional Control C++": {
              "renderer": "plot",
              "channels": [
                  "name": "proportional_control_cpp/cpp_controller/isaac.ProportionalControlCpp/reference (m)"
                  "name": "proportional_control_cpp/cpp_controller/isaac.ProportionalControlCpp/position (m)"
  "graph": {
    "nodes": [
        "name": "cpp_controller",
        "components": [
            "name": "message_ledger",
            "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger"
            "name": "isaac.ProportionalControlCpp",
            "type": "isaac::ProportionalControlCpp"
        "name": "segway_rmp",
        "components": [
            "name": "message_ledger",
            "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger"
            "name": "isaac.SegwayRmpDriver",
            "type": "isaac::SegwayRmpDriver"
            "name": "isaac.alice.Failsafe",
            "type": "isaac::alice::Failsafe"
        "name": "odometry",
        "components": [
            "name": "message_ledger",
            "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger"
            "name": "isaac.navigation.DifferentialBaseOdometry",
            "type": "isaac::navigation::DifferentialBaseOdometry"
        "name": "joystick",
        "components": [
            "name": "message_ledger",
            "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger"
            "name": "isaac.Joystick",
            "type": "isaac::Joystick"
        "name": "diffbase_joystick",
        "components": [
            "name": "message_ledger",
            "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger"
            "name": "isaac.navigation.RobotRemoteControl",
            "type": "isaac::navigation::RobotRemoteControl"
            "name": "isaac.alice.FailsafeHeartbeat",
            "type": "isaac::alice::FailsafeHeartbeat"
    "edges": [
        "source": "segway_rmp/isaac.SegwayRmpDriver/segway_state",
        "target": "odometry/isaac.navigation.DifferentialBaseOdometry/state"
        "source": "odometry/isaac.navigation.DifferentialBaseOdometry/odometry",
        "target": "cpp_controller/isaac.ProportionalControlCpp/odometry"
        "source": "cpp_controller/isaac.ProportionalControlCpp/cmd",
        "target": "diffbase_joystick/isaac.navigation.RobotRemoteControl/ctrl"
        "source": "joystick/isaac.Joystick/js_state",
        "target": "diffbase_joystick/isaac.navigation.RobotRemoteControl/js_state"
        "source": "diffbase_joystick/isaac.navigation.RobotRemoteControl/segway_cmd",
        "target": "segway_rmp/isaac.SegwayRmpDriver/segway_cmd"

该文件isaac_app与ping示例非常相似。但是,此应用程序需要添加“ segway”之类的模块。

load("//engine/build:isaac.bzl", "isaac_app", "isaac_cc_module")

    name = "proportional_control_cpp_codelet",
    srcs = ["ProportionalControlCpp.cpp"],
    hdrs = ["ProportionalControlCpp.hpp"],
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
    deps = [

    name = "proportional_control_cpp",
    app_json_file = "proportional_control_cpp.app.json",
    modules = [

下面的ProportionalControlCpp小码可通过ISAAC_PROTO_RXISAAC_PROTO_TX宏与edgesJSON文件中的其他组件进行通信 。

// This is the header file located at
// apps/tutorials/proportional_control_cpp/ProportionalControlCpp.hpp

#pragma once

#include "engine/alice/alice.hpp"
#include "messages/messages.hpp"

namespace isaac {

// A C++ codelet for proportional control
// We receive odometry information, from which we extract the x position. Then, using refence
// and gain parameters that are provided by the user, we compute and publish a linear speed
// command using `control = gain * (reference - position)`
class ProportionalControlCpp : public alice::Codelet {
  // Has whatever needs to be run in the beginning of the program
  void start() override;
  // Has whatever needs to be run repeatedly
  void tick() override;

  // List of messages this codelet recevies
  ISAAC_PROTO_RX(Odometry2Proto, odometry);
  // List of messages this codelet transmits
  ISAAC_PROTO_TX(StateProto, cmd);

  // Gain for the proportional controller
  ISAAC_PARAM(double, gain, 1.0);
  // Reference for the controller
  ISAAC_PARAM(double, desired_position_meters, 1.0);

}  // namespace isaac

// This is the C++ file located at
// apps/tutorials/proportional_control_cpp/ProportionalControlCpp.cpp

#include "ProportionalControlCpp.hpp"

#include "engine/gems/state/io.hpp"
#include "messages/math.hpp"
#include "messages/state/differential_base.hpp"

namespace isaac {

void ProportionalControlCpp::start() {
  // This part will be run once in the beginning of the program

  // Print some information
  LOG_INFO("Please head to the Sight website at <IP>:<PORT> to see how I am doing.");
  LOG_INFO("<IP> is the Internet Protocol address where the app is running,");
  LOG_INFO("and <PORT> is set in the config file, typically to '3000'.");
  LOG_INFO("By default, local link is 'localhost:3000'.");

  // We can tick periodically, on every message, or blocking. See documentation for details.

void ProportionalControlCpp::tick() {
  // This part will be run at every tick. We are ticking periodically in this example.

  // Nothing to do if we haven't received odometry data yet
  if (!rx_odometry().available()) {

  // Read parameters that can be set through Sight webpage
  const double reference = get_desired_position_meters();
  const double gain = get_gain();

  // Read odometry message received
  const auto& odom_reader = rx_odometry().getProto();
  const Pose2d odometry_T_robot = FromProto(odom_reader.getOdomTRobot());
  const double position = odometry_T_robot.translation.x();

  // Compute the control action
  const double control = gain * (reference - position);

  // Show some data in Sight
  show("reference (m)", reference);
  show("position (m)", position);
  show("control", control);
  show("gain", gain);

  // Publish control command
  navigation::DifferentialBaseControl command;
  command.linear_speed() = control;
  command.angular_speed() = 0.0;  // This simple example sets zero angular speed
  ToProto(command, tx_cmd().initProto());

}  // namespace isaac


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