Salesforce Builder

Salesforce Builder

作者: truelie | 来源:发表于2018-11-19 23:53 被阅读30次

    Salesforce Builder用于构建和可视化应用程序和业务流程。

    Builder生成器是一种工具, 可让从开发人员和管理员到业务用户的每个人创建和自定义应用程序和业务流程。开发人员和管理员使用为其业务用户创建接口的构建器, 包括闪电应用生成器、社区生成器、bot 生成器和流生成器。业务用户还可以使用 "旅程生成器" 和 "参与工作室" 等工具为团队或客户创建体验。

    Salesforce Builder

    你应该考虑什么时候使用Builder?像往常一样, 从用户开始。如果用户将执行这些操作中的一个或多个, 则在您的未来可能会有一个生成器:

    使用所见即所得 ("你看到的是你得到的") 元素, 这些元素可以通过点击添加并与表单自定义



    定义一个元素与另一个元素的关系, 例如, 工作流或可视布局



    记录信息: 名称、版本和状态

    当您准备启动生成器时, 旅程通常从记录列表页开始, 您可以在该页面中找到文件名、版本和状态的清晰摘要。也在生成器中显示此信息。记录信息必须显示在三个方面:


    Record List

    记录详情:记录详细信息,对于每个记录, 提供其文件名和版本的专用视图。这将引导用户, 而不会使他们返回到生成器。

    Record Detail


    Builder Header

    Builder Parts

    生成器由一组部件组成, 有些是常用的, 有些是特定的构建器所独有的。闪电设计系统有标记可作为组件蓝图的一些生成器零件。

    Builder Parts



    画布是生成器布局的打开工作区和主要工作区。它应该占据大部分的 ux 核心能力。在这里, 用户可以添加和操作节点、连接器和其他组件。

    Builder Canvas

    Declaratively build and visualize applications and business processes.


    A builder is a tool that lets everyone from developers and admins to business users create and customize applications and business processes. Developers and admins use builders that create interfaces for their business users, including Lightning App Builder, Community Builder, Bot Builder, and Flow Builder. Business users can also create experiences for teams or customers using tools such as Journey Builder and Engagement Studio.


    When should you think about using a builder? Start, as, always, with the user. If users will be doing one or more of these things, there could be a builder in your future:

    Working with WYSIWYG (“what you see is what you get”) declarative elements that can be added with clicks and customized with forms

    Designing a business process on a blank canvas

    Creating and defining a series of logical actions that result in different outputs

    Defining the relationship of one element to another—for example, in a workflow or visual layout

    Saving and tracking multiple drafts or versions

    If a builder isn’t a good fit, consider using another framework, such as a modal wizard, Channel Studios on Marketing Cloud, an expression or formula builder, or a series of filters. If you’re working with templates, consider forms or studio editors.


    Where to Launch a Builder

    Are you an admin or developer designing for your Salesforce users? If so, any builder you design should live in Setup. Make sure that your builder can be accessed from a Setup page and from the Setup navigation.

    Outside of Setup, make builders accessible from a relevant record detail page or app landing page. For example, make a builder that creates a new workflow for email engagement accessible from both the email engagement record detail page and the email engagement app page.

    Record Information: Names, Versions, and Statuses

    When you’re ready to launch a builder, the journey often starts on a record list page, where you’ll find a clear summary of file names, versions, and statuses. Display this information in the builder as well. Record information must be displayed in three areas:

    Record List

    Display the file name, version, and status in a list among other similar builders.

    Record Detail

    For each record, provide a dedicated view of its file name and version(s). This orients users without making them return to the builder.

    Builder Header

    This header must display the builder name, file name, and save status.

    Saving Builder Records

    When working in a builder, users tend to save their changes often. Some builders also let users activate, run, or publish.

    Saving is a server-side snapshot of an object and its state. Note that saving does not inherently equal approval to push an object for activation or publication. These are two separate actions that do two different things. If saving does activate/publish a file or execute a process, be sure to explicitly call this out to the user.

    Salesforce Lightning Design System:Builder



          本文标题:Salesforce Builder
