A zero-indexed array A consisting of N integers is given. An equilibrium index of this array is any integer P such that 0 <=p < N and the sum of elements of lower indices is equal to the sum of elements of higher indices, i.e. A[0] + A[1] + ... + A[P-1] = A[P+1] + ... + A[N-2] + A[N-1]. Sum of zero elements is assumed to be equal to 0. This can happen if P = 0 or P = N-1.
Write a function: int solution(int A[], int N):
that, given a zero-indexed array A consisting of N integers, returns any of its equilibrium indices(just one is enough). Return -1 if no equilibrium index exists. Assume N>=0, integer in A will not overflow.
1. 询问
2. 分析
问题很明显在求和的方式上。因为是一个个元素遍历过去的,每次只改变一个元素,因此没有必要全部重新求和。可以维持两个和,pre和suf,代表之前和之后的元素和,每经过一个元素,pre就把该元素加入,suf就减去该元素。很明显,初始时pre=0,suf=sum(A) - A[0]。然后对于A[0],先进行判断pre==suf,之后pre加上A[0]的值,但是suf本来就不包含A[0],因此是要减去A[1]的值。因此pre+=A[i],suf-=A[i+1]。然后注意边界条件,pre不能包含A[N-1]。
3. 代码
class Solution:
def solution(self, A, N):
if not N:
return -1
pre, suf = 0, sum(A) - A[0]
for i in range(N):
if pre == suf:
return i
if i < N - 1:
pre += A[i]
if i + 1 < N:
suf -= A[i + 1]
return -1
4. 总结
谷歌coding sample的demo问题。Easy难度。