Trans' Art I 资讯|6th创意设计周·重塑涂鸦社区

Trans' Art I 资讯|6th创意设计周·重塑涂鸦社区

作者: TransArt国际驻留 | 来源:发表于2019-12-09 09:19 被阅读0次


    时间:9:00-17:00   地点 :成都世纪城·新国际会展中心4号厅 

    Venue: Hall 4, Chengdu Century City, New International Convention and Exhibition Center













    Graffiti lovers,

    whose temperature is higher because of their love,

    are warm, enthusiastic and lively.

    They told me that graffiti is the art that exists only on the wall.

    That street graffiti is the city's most primitive desire. 

    The body temperature is normally between 36° and 37°,

    And with a low-grade fever, it would be higher than 37.2. 

    "FEVERISH 37.7 ° C"

    The fever is a burst of intense emotions and an artistic resonance achievedby artists who adds 0.1 ° C to your spirits.

    Paint = 7 = "The sound of paint cans when spraying" (in Chinese pronunciation).

     37.7 ° C is the temperature of this group of writers when they’re painting graffiti.

    Shakespeare said: "If your body temperature is 38.6°C the first time youmeet a person, it is called ove at first sight."We hope no matter who sees the graffiti for the first time, their body temperaturecould be about 38.6°C .

    Falling in love at first sight.

    更多精彩请到现场探索。More interesting news, please come and join us.



    成都世纪城·新世纪会展中心4号厅 307展位


    Graffiti is so lively and funny for the children.

    We will prepare a graffiti experience zone for children to enjoy the graffiti painting.

    Address: 307, Hall 4, Chengdu Century City, New International Convention and Exhibition Center.

    Looking forward to seeing you.




           SWG涂鸦团队成立于2015年,全称“Some Weird Guys”(一群有趣的家伙),团队来自街头更扎根于街头,从未停止在街头书写与创作涂鸦,作品遍布中国各大城市以及东南亚,美国;团队理念:在钢筋混泥土的城市里增添色彩”RUNNING THE CITY&KEEP IT ON STREET” 。

           The SWG Graffiti Crew was founded in 2015 and the full name is "Some Weird Guys"(namely a group of interesting guys). The crew come from and is deeply rooted in the street, and never stopped writing and graffiti on the streets. Their graffiti spread in major cities among China, Southeast Asia, and the United States; the Crew’s philosophy is to add more colors to the reinforced concretecity "RUNNING THE CITY&KEEP IT ON STREET".

     KLUB 2020

           来自Klub 2020 团队(波兰华沙),毕业于华沙文化研究和美术系,自2013年以来一直自我探索绘画道路。他的基本风格正处于不断实验、不断变化的过程,尽可能避免重复。在他看来,拥有一种风格并不意味着以同样的一种方式去绘画创作,而是别人可以从风格上认出你的作品。

            Klub 2020 (Warsaw, Poland), graduated Cultural Studies and Fine Artsdepartments in Warsaw, since 2013 finding his own path in the realm ofpainting. His style foundation is constant experiment and change, avoidingrepeating himself as much as possible. In his opinion, to have a style doesn't mean to paint in the same way,but only that other people can recognise your work. 

      Dan Doodies


            I am a street artist from London, England. I have been spray painting for13 years. I like to bringhappiness to a space that is otherwise neglected. Whether that should be in theform of an abstract piece, a portrait, or some cartoon characters. I enjoywatching my styles evolve and adapt with the environment. Doing Graffiti hashelped me meet like minded, passionate and creative people. 

     Martin(ХЗКА Кcrew)

           Martin来自俄罗斯,是一名涂鸦师,ХЗКА涂鸦团队的成员。ХЗКА涂鸦团队成立于2009年,至今已经10年,有9名涂鸦师。在俄罗斯创作了一些涂鸦墙,和团队成员创作了一些漫画故事。同时腾讯公司也邀请Martin与原画师reiki 共同完成了腾讯王者荣耀的一个高校比赛涂鸦留念。

           My name is Martin, Painting graffiti already for ten years.  I’m a ХЗКА Кcrew representative fromArkhangelsk, Russia. The crew was founded in 2009 and it’ll be 10 yearsAnniversary on the 27th of June this year. You could take a look at some of mygraffiti in Chongqing. There are some my Russian graffiti walls, and the comicstories by team members. At the same time I also had big murals in Chongqingwith famous corporations with Reiki for Tecent Games.

     Mathilde Guegan

            Mathilde Guegan天生有很强的感知能力,有助于其探索绘画和情感语言。她创作的大型壁画中,所有图像比较简单却有很强的感染力、容易与观者产生共鸣。运用一种喜剧或悲剧式的腔调,刻画三角形头部的人物形象,以此来讴歌生命、孩童和创作之路。

            Gifted by avery strong sensitivity, Mathilde Guegan explores the language of drawing andemotions. Her simple and strong graphics come into resonance with the peoplewhen she realizes her large mural frescoes. Using a comic-tragic tone and her character with a triangle head, shecelebrates life, children and the path of creation.

    关于Trans'Art International

         Trans’ Art International设立于法国巴黎,隶属于成都浓园文化艺术传播有限公司,负责海外事务扩展。多年来坚持持续推动不同国家、地区间的艺术从业人士、文化艺术机构、设计师、在校就读艺术生等艺术爱好者交流与互访,为其提供交流互动平台,了解不同文化传承的机会;通过国际驻留期间的在地创作、交流和展示,进一步推进自身与所合作艺术家及文化艺术机构的互动,推动各国艺术机构间的友好合作和艺术文化生物链的良性发展。


    Web: http://www.trans-art.net/ 




          本文标题:Trans' Art I 资讯|6th创意设计周·重塑涂鸦社区
