Function expression and arrow fu

Function expression and arrow fu

作者: meteornnnight | 来源:发表于2018-12-18 11:10 被阅读0次


    Why I have to learn function and now prefer using it as much as possible? Well, primarily there are two reasons: First of all, functions make codes more readable; Secondly, it can avoid the duplication of codes again and again.



    approach 1:
    for( let i = 2; i <= n; i++)
      for( let j = 2; j <= i; j++)
          if (i % j == 0) continue outer;
     // not a prime number, continue to next iteration of outer loop.
      alert( i+"\n");
    approach 2 (using function isPrime() ):
    function isPrime(n)
      for( let i = 2; i < n; i++)
        if ( n % i == 0)  return false;
      return true;
    for( let i = 2; i <= n; i++)
      if( isPrime(i) ) alert( i+"\n"); // This part is more readable!

    2. Function expression

    2.1 syntax

    在一般情况下,我们定义函数prefer function declaration的方式,也就是:

    function name(arg1,arg2,...,argN)
      //body, 如果没有return value, 默认函数return undefined.

    可以看到function declaration的code是statement, 包含在代码块中常常看到的花括号{},现在我们提出一种新的函数定义方式:

    let sum=function( a, b ){
    return a+b;
    };  // " ;"  is added here because it is a expression.

    function expression的语法更像是expression,所以结尾会有;

    2.2.1 用法1:

    function ask( question, yes, no)
      if( confirm( question ) ) yes();
      else no();
    ask("Are you sure?",
      function(){ alert("Ok, I get it.") },
      function(){ alert("I will cancel it.") }

    2.2.2 用法2:

    let welcome;
    let age=prompt("How old are you?","");
    welcome= (age >= 18)
            ? function( ){ alert("adult"); }
            : function( ){ alert("teenager"); } ;
    // rewrite with arrow function
    let age=prompt("How old are you?","");
    let welcome= (age >= 18)
            ? () => alert("adult")
            : () => alert("teenager");

    在JavaScript中,function name也可以看成是一个variable, 存放的value是function的source code, 其他primitive type的variable存放的value是data, function variable存放的value可以看成是action.

    3. Arrow function

    3.1 Syntax

    let sum=(a,b) => a+b;
    let double=n => n*n; //只有一个参数时,()可以省略
    let greeting=() => alert("Hello"); //没有参数的时候,()不可以省略

    (para1, para2,..., param) => statement/expression如果arrow function的代码语句部分是statement, 函数return undefined; 如果是expression, 函数return expression。



          本文标题:Function expression and arrow fu
