AIMO = Advanced Inverted Mode Operation. NIMO = non-IMO. Some e2v CCDs, such as deep depletion devices, cannot be operated in inverted mode. As a result, dark current is 100-200X higher than AIMO CCDs. Instead of 0.1 electron per pixel per second (eps) of dark current, for example, expect 10 eps. AIMO vs NIMO is not a choice made by a camera manufacturer like FLI. The CCD is manufactured by e2v either as AIMO, IMO(MPP), or NIMO.
AIMO 模式暗电流较小,通常用在常温/无制冷情况下使用:
IMO or AIMO devices are generally used when medium to long integration
times are required at high to medium temperatures, typically in
systems with no cooler or a thermo-electric (TE) cooler.
AIMO 模式通常无法和深耗尽,Anit-blooming 技术共存:
IMO and AIMO devices are not currently available with deep depleted or
antiblooming options (except on select L3Vision™ sensors).
NIMO 模式的驱动,水平转移会有 1-2 相置为高以吸引电子,下图为 E2V-48-20驱动时序。
AIMO 模式依靠掺杂/反型层吸引电子,故在驱动时序常态为低,下图为 E2V-42-10 驱动时序。