10-29 23:15:13.910 24916 31490 I ReactNativeJS: [CodePush] Downloading package.
10-29 23:15:14.570 24916 31489 D ReactNative: [CodePush] Applying full update.
10-29 23:15:14.577 24916 31490 I ReactNativeJS: [CodePush] Installing update.
10-29 23:15:14.612 24916 31491 D ReactNative: [CodePush] Loading JS bundle from "assets://index.android.bundle"
10-29 23:15:14.612 24916 24916 D ReactNative: ReactInstanceManager.recreateReactContextInBackgroundInner()
10-29 23:15:14.614 24916 31490 I ReactNativeJS: [CodePush] Restarting app
10-29 23:15:14.615 24916 24916 D ReactNative: ReactInstanceManager.onJSBundleLoadedFromServer()
10-29 23:15:14.616 24916 24916 D ReactNative: ReactInstanceManager.recreateReactContextInBackground()
10-29 23:15:14.616 24916 24916 D ReactNative: ReactInstanceManager.runCreateReactContextOnNewThread()
10-29 23:15:14.616 24916 24916 D ReactNative: ReactInstanceManager.tearDownReactContext()
10-29 23:15:14.626 24916 24916 D ReactNative: CatalystInstanceImpl.destroy() start
10-29 23:15:14.626 24916 24916 W unknown:ReactNative: Packager connection already open, nooping.
10-29 23:15:14.627 24916 31539 D ReactNative: ReactInstanceManager.createReactContext()
10-29 23:15:14.632 24916 31539 D ReactNative: [CodePush] Unable to get the hash of the binary's bundled resources - "codepush.gradle" may have not been added to the build definition.
10-29 23:15:14.632 24916 31539 D ReactNative: Initializing React Xplat Bridge.
10-29 23:15:14.635 24916 31539 D ReactNative: Initializing React Xplat Bridge before initializeBridge
10-29 23:15:14.638 24916 31539 D ReactNative: Initializing React Xplat Bridge after initializeBridge
10-29 23:15:14.638 24916 31539 D ReactNative: CatalystInstanceImpl.runJSBundle()
10-29 23:15:14.639 24916 31543 D ReactNative: ReactInstanceManager.setupReactContext()
10-29 23:15:14.639 24916 31543 D ReactNative: CatalystInstanceImpl.initialize()
10-29 23:15:14.639 24916 31543 D ReactNative: ReactInstanceManager.attachRootViewToInstance()
10-29 23:15:14.642 24916 24916 W unknown:ReactNative: Packager connection already open, nooping.
- native 和 RN 混合开发
- react-native 0.59.9
- react-native-code-push 5.6.0
- 从 native 中打开 RN 页面
- RN 页面中通过 codepush 检测到有更新包,弹框提示更新
- 点击下载后,更新完成后自动刷新页面
- 再次进入 RN 页面依然显示旧的版本
- 首先根据提示找到错误信息是 codepush 生成的文件不存在,然后经调试发现每次下载资源包和安装都是成功的,文件也生成,只是在刷新后重启会自动清除这个目录
native 中 codepush 安装资源包的目录如下
- 然后就定位哪里有清空目录的操作,进一步查找原因是 CodePush getJSBundleFileInternal 获取当前 bundle 文件的时候,每次比较版本号不匹配就清空目录
codepush meta data 对应 app.json 的内容
"deploymentKey": "****",
"label": "v13",
"packageSize": 474757,
"isPending": false,
"description": "test_2100",
"appVersion": "1.9.0",
"isMandatory": false,
"packageHash": "c402ff3de01546e2d364f692aa06a38342a53d63a3bb0be8a60479539ef8fd55",
"downloadUrl": "https:\/\/file.xxx.com\/mt_code_push\/Fn1KPV7TWLWkjoyM6c_YqfW08Axk",
"failedInstall": false,
"binaryModifiedTime": "1604052522083",
"bundlePath": "\/CodePush\/index.android.bundle"
native version = 1.9.0.dev
codepush appVersion = 1.9.0
- 基于上面的版本信息,codepush 通过 hasBinaryVersionChanged 完全匹配这两个版本信息,不匹配就清除目录
// The binary version is newer.
this.mDidUpdate = false;
if (!this.mIsDebugMode || hasBinaryVersionChanged(packageMetadata)) {
private boolean hasBinaryVersionChanged(JSONObject packageMetadata) {
String packageAppVersion = packageMetadata.optString("appVersion", null);
return !sAppVersion.equals(packageAppVersion);
出现这个问题是因为 code push server 不支持三位以上的版本号
我们的 app 版本号可能有 1.9.0.dev 或 或
这种版本号 code push server 计算更新哪个资源包的时候会识别不匹配,获取不到更新的资源包
所以我们调整 code push server 处理版本号的逻辑,最多只截取前三位
这样造成接口响应中的 appVersion 和 当前 app 版本号匹配不上 hasBinaryVersionChanged=false 直接舍弃了当前的更新资源包
- 修改 code push server updateCheck 接口响应中的 appVersion,保持原样返回
- 或者确保版本号都符合 1.9.0 这种规则也可以使用