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<1> Assimilation of -t- and -p-

In fluent speech, if one word ends in a /t/ sound and the next word begins in a /p/ sound,the /t/ is pronounced slightly differently. In fact, we pronounce it as if it were almost a /p/sound. So white piece of paper becomes whi(te) piece of paper.
It's a white piece of pape.
There are lots of grea(t) parks in London.
I love spli(t) pea soup.
I ha(te) potatoes.
My ma(te) picked us up from the airport.
I think I have a split personality!

<2> The linking -r-

The word after 'war' begins with a vowel sound. And in this case, the 'r' is pronounced.War r and Peace; War r and Peace. This is called a 'linking r' and it helps to make the words flow together more smoothly in natural speech.
more examples.
War and Peace.
You know, I really like my mother-in-law.
Have you been to the Tower of London?
You've got something in your eye.
Never again
more examples:/more (rui) g ranmupaosi/
tower /rofu/ London......

<3> The sound -s-

When one word ends in a /s/ sound and the next word begins in /s/, we don't pronounce both sounds, nor do we pronounce just one sound. Instead they come together to make a slightly longer /s/ sound. So, he looks sad becomes he lookssad. This is called 'twinning' or gemination. It helps the words to flow smoothly from one to the other in everyday speech.
He looks sad.
She's silly.
He's sitting over there.
Can you come this Saturday?
That's so unfair!
He really is stupid.

<4> Elision of -t-

In everyday speech, when a /t/ sound comes in between two consonant sounds, we often don't pronounce it. This is because it makes the words flow together more fluently. It's more difficult to say three consonants together in a row when /t/ is in the middle. Your mouth has to do too much work. I can't do it [pronounced clearly] is more difficult to say than I can't do it [pronounced naturally, without the /t/]. When a sound disappears in between two words, it's called elision.
I can't do that.
I can't stand the rain.
It must be time to leave.
Am I the first person here?
I don't want it.
I must go.

<5> The intrusive -r-

In fluent speech, if a word ends in an /ɔː/ sound, like law, and the next word begins in an /ə/, you'll often hear a /r/ sound linking them together. Law r and order. Law r and order. 'Law r and order' is easier to say than 'law and order'. It flows better. And this is called intrusion. Now this is a little bit controversial. It doesn't happen in all accents and some
people do say it's not the proper way to speak. But it is something you will hear. Just remember the /r/ sound is not very strong.
I think law and order is important.
Can you draw a circle freehand?
My dog hurt its paw on some broken glass.
There was a flaw in the argument.
I saw a good film last night.
do you want a war or what?
有点难说,舌头不舒服,话说跟 那个 war and peace 有什么区别啊?有区别,这个是ao 之后的 加 r 那个是 r 跟后面的连起来。

<6> schwa

The words 'a' and 'of' are both pronounced as /ə/ and they're not stressed.
This sound /ə/ is the most common sound in the whole English language. It's so common that it even has its own name – schwa.
Now, it can be difficult to hear the schwa because it is never stressed. However, it's a vowel sound that's used in many grammar words like articles and prepositions.
It's a piece of cake.
I like a cup of tea in the morning.
Could you get a packet of biscuits?
Can you give it to me?
I had an apple for lunch today.

<7> linking -w-

When one word ends in an /u:/ sound and the next begins in a vowel sound we can just about hear another sound in between. This sound is a bit like /w/. So 'The shoe is…' becomes 'The shoewis…' This is called the linking /w/ - but it's important to remember that it's not a full /w/ sound. It happens because the mouth moves from an /u:/ sound to a vowel sound and on the way passes through the /w/ mouth shape.
The shoe is on the other foot.
When do I have to be there?
I haven't got a clue at all.
That glue is really strong.
I really can't do it.

<8> Assimilation n-p

Well, when one word ends in the sound /n/ and the next word begins with a /b/, /p/, /w/ or
/m/ sound, then the /n/ at the end of the word changes to an /m/ as your mouth gets ready
to pronounce the next sound.
Green Park, becomes Greem Park.
Green Park
I own ten pairs of socks.
He didn't do it on purpose.
I would love to live in Paris
Can you come on Wednesday?

<9> Elision of /d/

It’s very difficult to say /d/ when it comes in between two other consonants. Your mouth has to do a lot of work. So in many cases the /d/ is not pronounced. 'Boiled potatoes' becomes 'boilpotatoes'. And 'steamed potatoes' becomes 'steampotatoes'. This is called elision.
I prefer steamed potatoes to boiled potatoes.
My best friend let me borrow his car.
Don’t hold back - say what you mean.
His car rolled down the hill.

<10> have to

When we use the verb ‘have’ in its modal form: ‘have to’ meaning an obligation, the /v/ at the end of the word changes to an /f/. Also the vowel sound in the word ‘to’ changes to a schwa - /ə/. ‘Have to’ becomes /haeftə/.
I have to get up in the morning at six a.m.

<11> Assimilation of '-nd'

Instead of sandwich, we hear samwich.
That's pretty crazy, right! So, what is going on?
Well, first the /d/ disappears in between two consonants.
You might remember this from our video on elision. So sandwich becomes sanwich.
Now, we have an /n/ followed by a /w/ and /n/ changes to /m/ before /w/.
My grandparents have been married for 50 years.
I got a standby ticket.
The band played until midnight
I left my handbag on the train.

<12> and

And is not usually an important word. It’s a basic conjunction and it's frequently unstressed. When this happens, the /d/ at the end of the word disappears before both vowels and consonants, and the vowel sound at the beginning of the word changes to schwa: /ə/, so a a nd becomes /ən/ or even /n/ as the sounds are almost identical.
Fish and chips.
I'm going to go and get the shopping.
Apples and oranges are my favourite fruits.
I’ve been thinking and thinking but I can't decide.
We went for a coffee and something to eat.




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