

作者: 故里长安z | 来源:发表于2019-12-03 09:26 被阅读0次

This is the story people will often tell you:

You come to this world.

Toil hard and get educated. Get a good job.

Get married. Get settled. Then you've kids.

You become a machine to handle stress and responsibilities.

By the time your kids become self-sufficient, you start getting old.

Your kids leave you for higher studies, work, leaving you alone.

You leave this world.


This is the story no one's going to tell you, but you will experience for sure:

Life is when you came as a bundle of joy to your parents' life.

Life is the excitement of carrying the school bag for the first time.

Life is standing outside the classroom with your friends as punishment.

Life is crushing on the girl or boy from college while your friends give you company.

Life is getting rejected in a job interview and celebrating failure with a party with friends.

Life is the time you did something you're afraid of doing.

Life is getting over that scratch on your new car.

Life is decorating your new home.

Life is having sleepless nights with your little kid and going to office tired the next day.

Life is shedding a tear of joy watching your kid dance at annual function.

Life is getting that weekend trip with your partner, while your kids are away.

Life is stealing a kiss from your 40-year-old partner when your kids are home.

Life is completing the marathon at the age of 60.

Life is telling stories to your grandchildren.

Life is in the little things.

And only little things matter because one day you'll look back and realize that those were the big things.



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