My angel, Flung out of space.

My angel, Flung out of space.

作者: 乔阳 | 来源:发表于2016-02-22 00:58 被阅读1386次

    Carol: What a strange girl you are.

    Therese: Why?

    Carol: Flung out of space.


    My angel, Flung out of space.

    Carol 给 Therese 的来信:

    Dearest. There are no accidents. 我最亲爱的,这一切都不是意外。

    and he would have found us one way or another. 他总会知道我们之间的事情。

    Everything comes full circle. 时间万事,千回百转终回原点。

    Be grateful it was sooner rather than later. 我们要庆幸它现在就发生了,而不是拖的更久了。

    You'll think it harsh of me to say so. 你会认为我这么说很残忍。

    but no explanation I offer will satisfy you. 但我无法给你一个让你满意的解释。

    Please don't be angry when I tell you that you seek resolutions and explanations because you're young. 


    But you will understand this one day. 但是有一天你会明白的。

    And when it happens, I want you to imagine me there. 当那天到来时,我希望你能想象我会在那里。

    Our lives stretched out ahead of us, a perpetual sunrise. 我们的生命将在那里延伸交汇,如同永恒的日出。

    But until then, there must be no contact between us. 但是在那之前,我们之间不能有任何联系。

    I have much to do, and you, my darling, even more. 我需要做很多事情,而你,我亲爱的,你需要做的更多。

    Please believe that I would do anything to see you happy. 请相信,为了让你快乐,我愿意做任何事。

    And so I do the only thing I can -- I release you. 而我唯一能做的就是放手,让你走。



          本文标题:My angel, Flung out of space.
