PAT Advanced 1024. Palindromic N

PAT Advanced 1024. Palindromic N

作者: OliverLew | 来源:发表于2019-05-24 14:06 被阅读0次

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    A number that will be the same when it is written forwards or backwards is
    known as a Palindromic Number. For example, 1234321 is a palindromic
    number. All single digit numbers are palindromic numbers.

    Non-palindromic numbers can be paired with palindromic ones via a series of
    operations. First, the non-palindromic number is reversed and the result is
    added to the original number. If the result is not a palindromic number, this
    is repeated until it gives a palindromic number. For example, if we start from
    67, we can obtain a palindromic number in 2 steps: 67 + 76 = 143, and 143 +
    341 = 484.

    Given any positive integer N , you are supposed to find its paired
    palindromic number and the number of steps taken to find it.

    Input Specification:

    Each input file contains one test case. Each case consists of two positive
    numbers N and K , where N ( \le 10^{10} ) is the initial numer and K
    ( \le 100 ) is the maximum number of steps. The numbers are separated by a

    Output Specification:

    For each test case, output two numbers, one in each line. The first number is
    the paired palindromic number of N , and the second number is the number of
    steps taken to find the palindromic number. If the palindromic number is not
    found after K steps, just output the number obtained at the K th step and
    K instead.

    Sample Input 1:

    67 3

    Sample Output 1:


    Sample Input 2:

    69 3

    Sample Output 2:




    • 翻转
    • 两数相加
    • 判断回文数


    P.S. 我的处理和1023题中也一样,是倒序存储数字的,所以开头结尾要翻转过来才可以。




    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    int isPalindromic(char n[])
        int len = strlen(n);
        for(int i = 0; i < len / 2; i++)
            if(n[i] != n[len - i - 1])
                return 0;
        return 1;
    char* reverse(char n[])
        char temp;
        int len = strlen(n);
        for(int i = 0; i < len / 2; i++)
            temp = n[i];
            n[i] = n[len - i - 1];
            n[len - i - 1] = temp;
        return n;
    /* only works when a and b are of the same length */
    void addAtoB(char a[], char b[])
        int l, s = 0, len = strlen(a);
        for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            s += (a[i] - '0') + (b[i] - '0');
            l = s / 10;
            s %= 10;
            b[i] = s + '0';
            s = l;
            b[len] = s + '0';
    int main()
        int K, steps;
        char s1[100] = {0}, s2[100] = {0}, *n = s1, *m = s2;
        scanf("%s %d", n, &K);
        for(steps = 0; steps < K && !isPalindromic(n); steps++)
            /* change 'm' into reverse of 'n' */
            strncpy(m, n, 100);
            /* add n and reversed n, and keep the result in n */
            addAtoB(m, n);
        printf("%s\n%d", reverse(n), steps);
        return 0;



          本文标题:PAT Advanced 1024. Palindromic N
