Unit1 A bad cold 笔记解说

作者: 关琋元 | 来源:发表于2018-02-27 16:52 被阅读0次

    我的这幅思维导图主题是Unit1 Abadcold分为三个部分:vocabulary,grammar,text.vocabulary有call,look,must,bad,news,remember,cold.call分为拓展和汉语,拓展是词组有call the doctor,callsb…,make a phone.汉语是叫。look汉语是看(起来),拓展是区分see,look,watch,read.see:I  can  see a monster.look:Look!  look at  watch:watchTV,watch film,watch sb… read:read a book.  must有汉语:必须。bad汉语:坏的。news分为汉语和短语,汉语是消息,短语是a piece of news remember分为汉语和反义词,汉语是记得,反义词是forget  cold分为汉语和词组,汉语是感冒,词组有I feel cold.  catch a cold  have(got) a cold  grammar是感官动词分为系动词和实意动词。系动词分为:+adj.和 like+n.  +adj.有sound 听起来,look看起来,smell闻起来,taste尝起来,feel摸起来。like+n.有sound like听起来像,look like看起来像,smell like闻起来像,taste like尝起来像,feel like摸起来像。实意动词有+do/doing       text是A bad cold.分为who:jimmy where:in bed    how feel:ill  do what:有1.call the doctor~number~09754.      2.mouth~open   3.tongue~show 4.say Ah  5.stay~in bed  matter:has a  bad cold   how long:a week   how news:good~because~he doesn't like shool.

    Unit1 A bad cold 笔记解说



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