

作者: 1519f8ccc7b0 | 来源:发表于2017-04-14 11:41 被阅读0次

1. 命令解析




nl [OPTION]... [FILE]...


-b, --body-numbering=STYLE use STYLE for numbering body lines
-d, --section-delimiter=CC use CC for separating logical pages
-f, --footer-numbering=STYLE use STYLE for numbering footer lines
-h, --header-numbering=STYLE use STYLE for numbering header lines
-i, --line-increment=NUMBER line number increment at each line
-l, --join-blank-lines=NUMBER group of NUMBER empty lines counted as one
-n, --number-format=FORMAT insert line numbers according to FORMAT
-p, --no-renumber do not reset line numbers at logical pages
-s, --number-separator=STRING add STRING after (possible) line number
-v, --starting-line-number=NUMBER first line number on each logical page
-w, --number-width=NUMBER use NUMBER columns for line numbers
--help display this help and exit
--version output version information and exit

2. 示例

2.1 无参显示文件内容及行号(空行不显示行号)

[root@test nlTest]# cat f1
This is

After blank
is still file content
[root@test nlTest]# nl f1
     1  This is
     2  My
     3  File
     4  After blank
     5  is still file content

2.2 显示空行的行号 -b

[root@test nlTest]# nl -b a f1
     1  This is
     2  My
     3  File
     5  After blank
     6  is still file content

2.3 显示行号且指定格式 -n

[root@test nlTest]# nl -n ln f1
1       This is
2       My
3       File
4       After blank
5       is still file content
[root@test nlTest]# nl -n rn f1
     1  This is
     2  My
     3  File
     4  After blank
     5  is still file content
[root@test nlTest]# nl -n rz f1
000001  This is
000002  My
000003  File
000004  After blank
000005  is still file content

2.4 指定格式位数 -n -w

[root@test nlTest]# nl -n rz -w 3 f1
001 This is
002 My
003 File
004 After blank
005 is still file content


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