What Kind of Education Do We Nee

What Kind of Education Do We Nee

作者: KeithZhihui | 来源:发表于2018-06-05 08:31 被阅读128次

    When we talk about Education, it seems we are touching a topic that never ends. Education has been one of the most important part in our lives after we have enough food to feed our stomach and enough clothes to keep us warm.

    Something is always changing while something is never changing. As the citizens who live in this stage of the history, we need to think this question seriously, What Kind of Education Do We Need Today? I would like to share some of my opinions.

    1. Education that Train People Good Qualities.

    No matter what will we do in the future as our job or career, we need to be very clear that we need to equip something that makes us an unique but valuable human being. Education is supposed to fulfill this purpose for us. But as we look around the world today, this is something lost in the present Educational System today. I am from China and I went through the whole Educational System here which focus on training kids to becoming test machines, nothing related to personal values and qualities.

    We are barely taught to be polite, to respect and to be honest,etc. All these good qualities weren't taught and modeled in our Educational System. But this part is so crucial for a kid so that one day they could take the responsibilities on their shoulders. To impact, to inspire, to bring positive and powerful influence to the world. They need to know their identity. They need to be clear on what kind of responsibilities they are bearing. They need to have a direction of their life. Textbooks will not teach them responsibility. Exams will not teach them hospitality. Higher qualifications will not make sure they have a quality and meaningful life.

    2. Education that Equip People Timeless Skills

    As we all know, we are in a fast changing world. What I know today will be history tomorrow, so how can I use the knowledge I learned in school today to face the fast changing world of tomorrow? AI is raising up, will I lose my job one day because robot can do it better? more effective? more accurate? or more reliable? If we are serious about Education, if we do care about our next generation, these are some questions we must ask ourselves honestly and seriously.

    Obviously, if we want to equip young people to face the society of tomorrow, one thing for sure is we definitely can't give them something useless, instead, we need to equip them with timeless skills.

    According to my reading and understanding, and a teacher for 6 years, I got the following list that a Good Education must include.

    Independent Thinking/Critical Thinking Skills - This is something people lose very fast today. Most people just sit there and accept whatever other people put in their minds through screens, views, audios and images. The most valuable attributes for human being is THINKING. Just imagine if we lose this, what makes us different from other creatures?

    Public Speaking Skills - Public Speaking has been top 1 fear for most people. According to my experience, as long as you are willing to try and practice more, this is just a small case. You will face challenges definitely, but if you always make some extra effort and keep a teachable heart, you can master this. Many people in history even have difficulties in expressing themselves, but after a proper and intentional training, they can master good Public Speaking Skills. So don't be afraid.

    Writing Skills - I don't need to say more about this. How important for you to have writing skills in today's world? It will leverage you in every area of your life. You have a way to express your feelings, ideas, inspiration and your worldview. Then you got a great chance to influence people and inspire people, just like what I am doing now. You can even make a living by using this skills. This is something couldn't be replaced by robot. So you need to brush up your writing skills. Just start from a few lines each day, and the key point is PERSISTENCE.

    Analyzing & Solving Problems Skills- I've been working for 7 years and saw many people work harder, they are willing to try, going the extra mile, but it seems the effectiveness just don't increase. I do appreciate their qualities, but I also realize if they have good qualities plus excellent skills, nothing could stop them, they are going to be the top group and lead others. I really feel pity for them. I have a burden for training people up with good quality and excellent skills in their lives.

    Hopefully, you know what my passion is and what I want to do. I hope my words can inspire people to seek for truth, better communication, excellent skills, and most importantly - A Good Life.

    If you got any needs regard to Training People, contact me any time. I will offer my best effort to help you with this. This is how you can reach me:

    Phone No.: 13835924960
    WeChat: 648544943 (QR Code below)
    E-mail: keith19892006@126.com




          本文标题:What Kind of Education Do We Nee
