Animal Farm(126)

Animal Farm(126)

作者: 云手a | 来源:发表于2021-03-25 22:28 被阅读0次

    When the cheering had died down,Napoleon,who had remained on his feet,intimated【vt. 暗示;通知;宣布】 that he too had a few words to say.


    Like all of Napoleon’s speeches,it was short and to the point.  He too,he said,was happy that the period of misunderstanding was at an end.  For a long time there had been rumours—circulated,he had reason to think,by some malignant【adj. [医] 恶性的;有害的;有恶意的】 enemy—that there was something subversive and even revolutionary in the outlook of himself and his colleagues. They had been credited with attempting to stir up rebellion among the animals on neighbouring  farms.  Nothing could be further from the truth!Their sole wish,now and in the past,was to live at peace and in normal business relations with their neighbors.  This farm which he had the honour to control,he added,was a co-operative enterprise.  The title-deeds,which were in his own possession,were owned by the pigs jointly.


    He did not believe,he said,that any of the old suspicions still lingered,but certain changes had been made recently in the routine of the farm which should have the effect of promoting confidence still further.  Hitherto the animals on the farm had had a rather foolish custom of addressing one another as “Comrade. ” This was to be suppressed. There had also been a very strange custom,whose origin was unknown,of marching every Sunday morning past a boar’s skull which was nailed to a post in the garden.




          本文标题:Animal Farm(126)
