create table test03(
id int primary key not null auto_increment,
c1 char(10),
c2 char(10),
c3 char(10),
c4 char(10),
c5 char(10)
insert into test03(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5) values('a1','a2','a3','a4','a5');
insert into test03(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5) values('b1','b2','b3','b4','b5');
insert into test03(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5) values('c1','c2','c3','c4','c5');
insert into test03(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5) values('d1','d2','d3','d4','d5');
insert into test03(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5) values('e1','e2','e3','e4','e5');
select * from test03;
create index idx_test03_c1234 on test03(c1,c2,c3,c4);
show index from test03;
问题:我们创建了复合索引idx_test03_c1234 ,根据以下SQL分析下索引使用情况?
explain select * from test03 where c1='a1';
#使用c1 c2 索引
explain select * from test03 where c1='a1' and c2='a2';
#使用c1 c2 c3 索引
explain select * from test03 where c1='a1' and c2='a2' and c3='a3';
#使用c1 c2 c3 c4索引
explain select * from test03 where c1='a1' and c2='a2' and c3='a3' and c4='a4';
- 案例1
explain select * from test03 where c1='a1' and c2='a2' and c4='a4' and c3='a3';
- 案例2
explain select * from test03 where c1='a1' and c2='a2' and c3>'a3' and c4='a4';
索引用于范围查找 索引后面全失效,索引三个。
- 案例3
explain select * from test03 where c1='a1' and c2='a2' and c4>'a4' and c3='a3';
变化了顺序,mysql底层自动转换,所以c1='a1' and c2='a2' and c3='a3' and c4>'a4' 所以这里是四个。
- 案例4
explain select * from test03 where c1='a1' and c2='a2' and c4='a4' order by c3;
只有两个关联的索引c1 c2,索引的功能是查找或者排序,c3的作用是排序不是查找,但是不会被统计到key中,key和ref中只有c1和c2。
- 案例5
explain select * from test03 where c1='a1' and c2='a2' order by c3;
- 案例6
explain select * from test03 where c1='a1' and c2='a2' order by c4;
- 案例7
explain select * from test03 where c1='a1' and c5='a5' order by c2,c3;
explain select * from test03 where c1='a1' and c5='a5' order by c3,c2;
出现了filesort,我们建的索引是1234,它没有按照顺序来,3 2 颠倒了,没有自动转换。
- 案例8
explain select * from test03 where c1='a1' and c2='a2' order by c2,c3;
explain select * from test03 where c1='a1' and c2='a2' and c5='a5' order by c2,c3;
explain select * from test03 where c1='a1' and c2='a2' and c5='a5' order by c3,c2;
注意在案例7中,32排序,会出现filesort,可是这里没有出现,因为这里有c2,排序字段已经是一个常量了,所以相当于roder by c3 ,一个常量order by 1,有和没有无关。
- 案例9
explain select * from test03 where c1='a1' and c4='a4' group by c2,c3;
explain select * from test03 where c1='a1' and c4='a4' group by c3,c2;
group by表面上是分组,实质上是排序,分组之前必排序,唯一的不同group by有having
定值、范围还是排序,一般order by是给个范围
group by基本上需要进行排序,会有临时表的产生,为了得到数据,先建一张临时表。