

作者: 云鲲轩 | 来源:发表于2020-02-06 17:19 被阅读0次

    Countermarching people
    This time on each street,you can only see a few people walking in a hurry and wearing masks, it’s really strange.Why do the cities changes just like this?Because there is a new virus in Wuhan,China,and its throughout our country now.The scientists name this kind of virus “2019-nCoV”.China is facing a big challenge.
    (整合后的Para1:Could you imagine a whole country seems to be paused(仿佛被按了暂停键)? Almost everywhere is empty,only a few people wearing masks walk in a hurry in every city ,which can be seen only in science fiction film(科幻小说电影).The country we are living is sick. There is a new virus in Wuhan,China, and it is throughout our country now.The scientists name this kind of virus “2019-nCoV”.Our China is facing a big challenge.)

    (What touches all the Chinese people is that there are a lot of countermarching people. )On the one hand,doctors and nurses with sincere hearts to treat patients in pain.They are bees,and always use their hearts to give love and hopes to patients,hiding the wings of the angel in their hearts and opening their wings with wings of love and care for every patient.They are brave soldiers in this war without smoke.
    On the other hand,some other people who aren’t doctors also taking(主干句中的谓语动词take) care of the epidemic situation.The government is attach(把is attach换为attaches )great importance to it.Many leaders go around China and lead townspeople to fight with the epidemic situation.And workers,like some postmen,they drive lots of medical supplies to key areas days and nights.They are countermarching people too!
    As teenagers,what can we do?We can contribute some of our pocket money to the community for material support.And remember not to make more trouble! Epidemic situation becomes serious more and more(more and more serious).How do we protect ourselves?For one thing, we should wear masks when we are outside all the time.Surgical masks and N95 are the best.For another,washing (wash our hands carefully because we may take a little germs to home。完整结构是we should wash。。。整段是我们应该如何防范。).Furthermore,don’t be too close to the nature(去the。大自然前不用the),or nature will revenge you some day.(这一句很好,但放在这里有点突兀。) Last but not least,try to stay in(at) home until epidemic situation goes.It’s the best way to go far from the virus.
    How amazing and powerful the countermarching people are!They not only help the patients but also light a hope and set an example for the whole Chinese people, including you and me. United ,we stand (团结则存).“Think and work in one mind.”Chinese people prove it very well.Go on,China!




