-- 插叙不及格数大于等于2门的学生的平均成绩
select name,sum(chengji<60) as jimen, avg(chengji) as pingjun from student GROUP BY name having jimen >=2;
-- 查询每个学生的最好成绩的科目
select t1.name,t1.chengji,t1.kemu from student t1,
(select name,max(chengji) as maxchengji,kemu from student GROUP BY name) t2
where t1.name = t2.name and t1.chengji = t2.maxchengji;
-- 查询每个科目最好成绩的同学
select t1.name,t1.kemu,t1.chengji from student t1,
(select max(chengji) as maxchengji,kemu from student group by kemu) t2
where t1.kemu = t2.kemu and t1.chengji = t2.maxchengji;
-- 数学成绩排名
select name,chengji,
(select count(*) from student t1 where kemu ='数学' and t1.chengji > t2.chengji)+1 as 名次 from student t2
where kemu='数学' order by chengji desc;