

作者: 新心断点 | 来源:发表于2018-08-16 11:25 被阅读0次

    Thinking about tomorrow: Toyota

    ① A car's performance is measured in the horsepower that translates into a roaring exhaust note.

    ② That of carmakers is judged on financial grunt.

    ③ Toyota's results, unveiled today, come after many in the motor industry have already revealed a spluttering first quarter.

    ④ A small improvement in sales and profits will not disguise the many difficulties that it and its rivals face.

    ⑤ The threat of tariffs on imports to America, the firm's biggest market, hangs over Toyota heavier than many others.

    ⑥ And it is lagging behind rivals in China, another vital market.

    ⑦ Investors will also hope to find out more about Toyota's big bets on the future.

    ⑧ The company recently said that it would press ahead with investments in hydrogen fuel cells to power its electric vehicles rather than the batteries that most of its competitors are relying on.

    ⑨ Sceptics think that the technology will never deliver a commercial turbocharge.


    performance: n. 表现;性能

    horsepower: n. 马力

    roaring: adj. 咆哮的

    exhaust: n. 排出的废气 vt. 将……耗尽

    note: n. 声调;声音

    grunt: n. 咕哝声;咕噜声

    unveil: vt. 揭开;揭示

    splutter: vi. 语无伦次地说;发出噼啪声(文中可理解为“快熄火;苟延残喘”)

    disguise: vt./n. 掩盖

    ·A blessing in disguise. 塞翁失马焉知非福。

    tariff: n. 关税

    hang over: 笼罩

    lag behind: 落后

    bet: n. 下注

    press ahead: 前进;冲锋

    hydrogen fuel cells: 氢气燃料电池

    electric vehicles: 电动汽车

    sceptic: n. 怀疑论者

    turbocharge: vt. 涡轮增压



