非凡英文儿童诗 001              The Let

非凡英文儿童诗 001              The Let

作者: 非凡英语俱乐部 | 来源:发表于2018-05-02 10:19 被阅读83次

    今天向大家推荐的诗就是Darren Sardelli的非常俏皮的诗“字母A”。众所周知,英文有26个字母,Darren脑洞大开,如果没有了A字母,会是什么样呢?在读诗之前,带着孩子,先打开脑洞,展开丰富联想吧!

    诗人简介:Darren Sardelli居住在美国长岛,是当今很受欢迎的儿童诗人。受Shel sliverstain和Dr. Suess两位文学和绘画大师的影响,他创造了很多幽默、有趣、充满韵律的儿童诗歌。他曾经如此描述自己的作品,“当孩子们或者成人读了我的诗歌后,或微笑,或咯咯笑,或开怀大笑,我就会感觉到自己为这个世界做了一点积极的改变。”Darren Sardelli的作品集有Galaxy Pizza and Meteor Pie (School Poems That Are Out of This World!) (2009)。同时,他的一些作品被收纳入多本著名诗集如One Minute till Bedtime (2016), SCHOOL PEOPLE (2018), Rolling in the Aisles (2004), My Teacher’s in Detention (2006), BUSES TO BOOKS (2008), Dinner with Dracula (2006), Peter, Peter, Pizza-Eater (2006), Is This A Poem? (2016), I Hope I Don’t Strike Out (2008), and What I Did on My Summer Vacation (2009).他的诗歌还被迪士尼电台购买版权进行播放,深受孩子们喜欢。


    The Letter A


    The letter A is awesome!

    It simply is the best.

    Without an A, you could not get

    an A+ on a test.

    You’d never see an acrobat

    or eat an apple pie.

    You couldn’t be an astronaut

    or kiss your aunt goodbye.

    An antelope would not exist.

    An ape would be unknown.

    You’d never hear a person

    say “Afraid” or “All Alone”.

    The A’s in avocado

    would completely disappear

    and certain words would be forgot

    like “ankle”, “arm”, and “ear”.

    Without the A, you couldn’t aim

    an arrow in the air.

    You wouldn’t ask for apricots

    or almonds at a fair.

    Aruba and Australia

    would be missing from a map.

    You’d never use an ATM,

    an apron, or an app.

    The arctic fox and aardvark

    would be absent from the zoo,

    and vowels, as you know them,

    would be E, I, O, and U.

    There wouldn’t be an A chord

    on the instruments you play.

    Let’s appreciate, admire,

    and applaud the letter A!



      • 非凡英语俱乐部:爸爸妈妈带着孩子找一找诗歌中提高和a有关的单词多少个?都什么意思?

      本文标题:非凡英文儿童诗 001              The Let
