brain trust智囊团
cost are harsh 代价是残酷的
formulate a plan制定一个计划
coauthored by 与。。。合著
tinkering gradualist approach修补渐进主义方法
chief economist首席经济学家
chief economist知名度高的,倍受瞩目的
a broiling August afternoon形容炙热的午后
polarizing question两极分化的问题
ward off避开,挡住
churn out快速生产,大量生产
Washington Consensus华盛顿共识
fall victim to 成为。。。牺牲品,受害者
a chauffeur-driven black Audi sedan 由司机驾驶的黑色奥迪轿车
crab apple trees苹果树
earth-shaking transformations翻天覆地的变化
drop the case,撤诉
这章讲到Lin Zhengyi 回到中国成为第一个在世界银行任职的来自发展中国家的首席经济学家。他与妻子在国外重逢回到中国。为国效力。但台湾当局依旧视他为villain .在父母双双去世时也无法归去故土为双亲送别。想必每一位有所建数,并为中国乃至世界发展做出贡献的人都有一段被乌云遮盖的不同寻常经历吧。改革开放时期,身为中国主要经济顾问的Wu Jinglian 指出,“It’s entirely obvious that the biggest problem China faces right now is corruption,” he told me. “Corruption is the reason for the gap between rich and poor. Where did this corruption come from? From the fact that government continues to control too many resources.”而被中国日报传为美国间谍。