dusky 昏暗的
rep: a representative. "a union rep"
parody 滑稽的模仿
gadget 小工具
bring it on: used to express confidence in meeting a challenge. "if you want to fight me so bad, bring it on!"
abrasive: (of a person or manner) showing little concern for the feelings of others; harsh. "her abrasive and arrogant personal style won her few friends"
distasteful: causing dislike or disgust; offensive; unpleasant. "customers complained about the distasteful odor"
pour it out
make the face: make a face (at someone/something) (also make faces (at someone/something)) to move your mouth, nose, and eyes in strange ways to show emotion or make people laugh: She stepped in something, made a face, and looked down.
color mustard: As a whole, mustard is a well-intentioned color that tends to shoot itself in the foot. Mustard symbolizes: warmth, creativity, optimism, diversity.
Dijon mustard: 从英文翻译而来-第戎芥末酱是法国的传统芥末酱,以法国勃艮第的第戎镇命名,该镇是中世纪晚期芥末酱的生产中心,并于17世纪在法国获得独家经营权。
sabotage 破坏
tentist: a tentist is a person who puts up and installs tents.
poopy: depressed, weak, or worthless. (informal, slang) Dirty with feces.
smudge 弄脏
smug 踌躇满志
"keep someone in line" means. keep someone from doing something bad. Example Sentences: I have to keep my younger brother in line while my parents are on vacation.
'difficult' people we mean people with certain personality traits or emotional characteristics that make it difficult for you to communicate with them.
put you on with my boss
bridal suite: a suite of rooms in a hotel for the use of a newly married couple.
hobo: a homeless person; a tramp or vagrant.
It's in high demmand, so I really think we should put a deposit down now.
plowed 犁过的
barn 谷仓
roof slats
slat: a thin, narrow piece of wood, plastic, or metal, especially one of a series which overlap or fit into each other, as in a fence or a Venetian blind.
lay on your back
roll over: To move in a rolling motion on a surface, typically the ground. Look, I just taught my dog to roll over.
radius 半径
better safe than sorry: it's wiser to be cautious than to be hasty or rash and so do something you may later regret.
put (one) up for (something)
To offer, nominate, or put one forward for a position, job, or other consideration.The CEO put his daughter up for the position of company president.I was surprised to learn that my manager was putting me up for the promotion.
put (one) up to (something)
To cause, persuade, or pressure one to do or engage in something considered mischievous, ill considered, or malicious.He was always putting his younger brother up to playing pranks on other people.No one put me up to it—I just really wanted to get a tattoo.
put (something) up for (something)
To select or offer something for sale.I can't believe he's putting up his whole record collection for sale—he must really be strapped for cash!The bank put their house up for auction when they couldn't pay their mortgage any longer.
nook 角落,躲蔽处
high stakes: high-risk
juked the stats: the practice of downgrading or under reporting crime to make police departments look like they're doing a good job of crime reduction.
juke: to outmaneuver by a feint or other deceptive movement.
guacamole 鳄梨
excalibur 神剑
tirelessly 孜孜不倦