

作者: 马文Marvin | 来源:发表于2016-11-20 22:57 被阅读13次

《RequireJS History》 中 James Burke 把当初创建 require.js 的历程写的非常的清晰,事物的形成和发展的关键是:

There was enough break down in communication that it made it difficult to continue discussing AMD on the CommonJS list. However, there were enough of us web developers that still saw value in it, and there was still some API work to be done around loader plugins and callback-require that the amd-implement email list and amdjs Github group were formed to continue those discussions.

Through the amd-implement list, the callback-require and loader plugin APIs got more definition and a set of unit tests. More AMD implementations were made. Dojo was already in a code conversion process to use AMD, and other people like MooTools and EmbedJS picked it up. AMD loaders gained traction in the jQuery community among those that wanted modular JS loading capabilities.

AMD has a healthy ecosystem around it now. I continue to help push AMD forward by providing a solid implementation in RequireJS, and making sure it fits well with the web.

James Burke 今年结束了其在 Mozilla 的七年工作,搬去温哥华做一个教育类 APP,贴一下离职信,Facebook 用H5写 iOS 的惨痛经历经常被人提起,其实 Mozilla 用H5写 OS 的经历,也是极其悲壮的:

After joining Mozilla Messaging just over seven years ago, I start a new job later this month. I am thankful for Alex's introduction to David that led to the Mozilla job.

I moved up to Vancouver to experiment with web-based messaging. That led to a few experiments at Mozilla, most recently the Firefox OS email app front end. However, all the experiments I worked on at Mozilla were eventually shut down. It is time for me to try working on a different kind of project.

I will be cheering on the efforts at Mozilla to improve the browser, and integrate web content better with native platforms via features like service workers and web manifests. I would like to see first class placement of web experiences on native platforms that work well with background updates, offline use. A Mozilla-infused Android distribution with web content front and center, some secure messaging and ties to local communities would be neat to see.

The web rendering developments in Servo are exciting too. Do you want to learn a neat language and help them out? Check out the first bugs list. The Rust and Servo communities are really great.

While I appreciate the value of platform work, it is more work for me than the flow I feel when building on web apps. So I am off to work on a web app that helps educators organize their classes. I still plan to do some light open source work on my own time, make sure I keep up maintenance releases for RequireJS related tools. But I will be busy with an exciting new job, and I will not have a lot of left over energy for a while. I will be staying in Vancouver.

Thank you Mozilla, and the people I worked with, for seven years. It changed my life. I recommend working at Mozilla particularly if you are a platform or systems developer. Or, just contributing in some way to support the great work of the Mozilla Foundation.

阮一峰写过一个系列文章,在细节上已经把 RequireJS 介绍的非常的详细,瞬间降低了 require.js 的学习成本,后文便不再赘述了:



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