硕士英语课后翻译(unit 1 text B)

硕士英语课后翻译(unit 1 text B)

作者: Savior2016 | 来源:发表于2018-06-08 18:58 被阅读1649次

    Text B


    The characters chiefly noted in American speech by all who have discussed it, are, first, its general uniformity throughout the country; second, its impatient disregard of grammatical, syntactical, and phonological rule and precedent, and third, its large capacity ( distinctly greater than of the English of present-day English ) for taking in new words and phrases from outside sources, and for manufacturing new locutions out of its own materials.

    chiefly adv.主要;首先,第一;尤其
    impatient adj. 不耐烦的;热切的,渴望的;不能容忍的,恼火的
    disregard  vt.不顾;不理会;漠视,忽视;蔑视,轻视



    There may be slight differences in pronunciation and intonation--a Southern softness, a Yankee drawl, a Western burr--but in the words they use and the way they use them all Americans, even the least tutored, follow the same line. One observes, of course, a polite speech and a common speech. But the common speech is everywhere the same, and its uniform vagaries take the place of the dialectic variations of other lands. A Boston street-car conductor could go to work in Chicago or San Francisco without running the slightest risk of misunderstanding his new fares. Once he had picked up half a dozen localisms, he would be, to all linguistic intents and purposes, fully naturalized.

    Yankee:[‘jæŋki] n.<英口>美国佬;北方佬;<美>(南北战争时的)北军 adj.美国北方人的;美国佬式的
    drawl: [drɔːl] n.慢吞吞拉长调子说话的方式  v.拖长调子说话
    burr:[bɜr] n.粗嗓音;(机器部件快速运转时有规律的)呼呼声;毛边;芒刺 v.用粗喉音说话
    vagary: [‘veɪgərɪ] n.奇特;奇特行为;奇想;变幻莫测



    The Americans , though partly of the same blood, have felt no such restraint, and acquired no such habit of conformity. On the contrary , they have plunged to the other extreme , for the conditions of life in their new country have put a high value upon the precisely opposite qualities of curiosity and daring, and so they have acquired that character of restlessness , that impatience of forms ,that disdain for the dead hand, which now broadly marks them. From the first , says a recent literary historian , they have been “less phlegmatic , less conservative than the English. There were climatic influences , it may be ; there was surely a spirit of intensity everywhere that made for short effort,” Thus , in the arts ,and thus in business , in politics , in daily intercourse ,in habits of mind and speech . The American is not , in truth , lacking in a capacity for discipline ; he has it highly developed; he submits to leadership readily , and even to tyranny . But , by a curious twist , it is not the leadership that is old and decorous that commonly fetches him , but the leadership that is new and extravagant.

    restraint  [rɪˈstreɪnt] n.拘束;抑制,克制;控制,限制;约束力
    conformity [kənˈfɔ:məti]n.符合;一致;遵从;依照
    plunge [plʌndʒ] vt.用力插入;使陷入vi.跳入;全心投入;突降,俯冲n.投入,陷入;游泳,跳水
    extreme n.极端;困境;[数]极限值;[常用复数]在两末端的事物
    disdain [dɪsˈdeɪn] n.鄙视,轻蔑vt.鄙视;不屑于做,不愿意做
    phlegmatic [flegˈmætɪk] adj.冷漠的;冷静的;镇定的;迟钝的
    tyranny  [ˈtɪrəni] n.暴虐;专横;暴行
    decorous [ˈdekərəs] adj.厚重;端庄得体的



    But more important than its sheer inventions, if only because much more numerous, are its extensions of the vocabulary, both absolutely and in ready workableness, by the devices of rhetoric. The American, from the beginning, has been the most ardent of recorded rhetoricians. His politics bristles with pungent epithets; his whole history has been bedizened with tall talk; his fundamental institutions rest far more upon brilliant phrases than upon logical ideas. And in small things as in large he exercises continually an incomparable capacity (for projecting hidden and often fantastic relationships into his speech.)

    sheer: adj.纯粹的、完全的
    workableness : 可使用
    rhetoric : n.修辞    rhetorician : n.修辞
    ardent : adj.热情的、热心的
    bristle : n. 鬃毛、猪毛 vi.密密麻麻的充满
    pungent : adj.尖刻的、严苛的、刺鼻的
    epithet : n.形容词、绰号
    bedizen : v.俗丽的穿着



    American, despite the gallant efforts of the pedagogues, has so far escaped any such suffocating formalization. We, too, of course, have our occasional practitioners of the authentic English Jargon; in the late Grover Cleveland we produced an acknowledged master of it. But in the main our faults in writing lie in precisely the opposite direction. That is to say, we incline toward a directness of statement which, at its greatest, lacks restraint and urbanity altogether, and toward a hospitality which often admits novelties for the mere sake of their novelty, and is quite uncritical of the difference between a genuine improvement in succinctness and clarity, and mere extravagant raciness.

    gallant [ˈgælənt]  (adj.)奋力的。
    pedagogue [ˈpedəgɒg] (n.)教师,教员。
    suffocate [ˈsʌfəkeɪt] (v.)窒息。
    formalism [ˈfɔ:məlɪzəm] (n.)形式主义
    succinct [səkˈsɪŋ(k)t] (adj.)简洁的,简明的。
    clarity [ˈklærəti] (n.)清楚,明晰。



    “Language,” says A.H. Sayce ,
    is not artificial product, contained in books and dictionaries and governed by the strict rules of impersonal grammarians. It is the living expression of the mind and spirit of a people, ever changing and shifting, whose sole standard of correctness is custom and the common usage of the community. … The first lesson to be learned is that there is no intrinsic right or wrong in the use of language, no fixed rules such as are the delight of the teacher of Latin prose. What is right now will be wrong hereafter, what language rejected yesterday she accepts today.

    community [kəˈmju:nəti]  A particular community is a group of people who are similar in some way..(n.)群体;团体。
    intrinsic [ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk] If something has intrinsic value or intrinsic interest, it is valuable or interesting because of its basic nature or character, and not because of its connection with other things..(adj.)内在的,固有的,本身的。

    A.H. 塞斯说:



          本文标题:硕士英语课后翻译(unit 1 text B)
