Prometheus 官网
Install Prometheus: prometheus installation
Prometheus Image: prom/prometheus
Helm : Prometheus Chart
最简单的docker install 方法
Running Prometheus on Docker is as simple as docker run -p 9090:9090 prom/prometheus. This starts Prometheus with a sample configuration and exposes it on port 9090.
下载Prometheus image: docker pull prom/prometheus:latest
从Prometheus官网文档可以知道,最简单的方式启动Prometheus是运行以下命令:docker run -p 9090:9090 prom/prometheus
The Prometheus image uses a volume to store the actual metrics. For production deployments it is highly recommended to use the Data Volume Container pattern to ease managing the data on Prometheus upgrades.
To provide your own configuration, there are several options. Here are two examples.
方法一:Bind-mount prometheus.yaml from the host by running
docker run -p 9090:9090 -v /tmp/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml prom/prometheus
将自己的 /tmp/prometheus.yml 映射到容器的/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
方法二:Use an additional volume for the config
docker run -p 9090:9090 -v /prometheus-data prom/prometheus --config.file=/prometheus-data/prometheus.yml
或者构建自己的Prometheus Custom image
To avoid managing a file on the host and bind-mount it, the configuration can be baked into the image. This works well if the configuration itself is rather static and the same across all environments.
Custom image.png其他方法
A more advanced option is to render the configuration dynamically on start with some tooling or even have a daemon update it periodically.
Using configuration management systems
If you prefer using configuration management systems you might be interested in the following third-party contributions.