Daily routine
Plan performance
yestoday planning is:
1. finish the soft interrupt, including kernel rewrite
2. 2 chapter of vocabulary work book
3. do hard interrupt, as much as possible
4. go to talk with prof. (i hope there could be a talk)
5. go to check the network experiment 2
what i actually achieve is:
1. finish soft interrupt, but kernel still have some problem
2. go to talk with prof
3. take part in the weekly meeting
4. go to check the network experiment 2
got up at 9:30am, washing and dressing, without breakfast, went to meet with prof., at around 10:30, finish the meeting, back to dorm. eat something, watch several piece of youtube, check the cpu code. then 12:00, went for lunch. back at 12:20, took a nap. at 13:10, out for the meeting. meeting finish at 15:30, went to network check, at 16:00, finished the check , go to first building to pick up ps2 keyboard, and have a talk with xu. have dinner, back at 17:10, watch youtube till 18:30. start write soft int, till now.
the performance is quite odd, epc fetch has something wrong, will continue the next day.
1. take English class
2. finish soft int
3. start hard int