

作者: 小海参 | 来源:发表于2023-11-28 11:07 被阅读0次

Brazil's Supreme Court to vote on decriminalizing abortion


Good morning everyone.

Women’s rights have been a controversial topic since ancient times as women are a vulnerable group. With the development of the times, people’s thinking is also progressing, therefore, in many countries women’s rights have been ensured by the laws and there are also some laws specifically enacted to protect women’s rights.


However, there are still many women that don’t have their right to determine their own future in developing countries such as India, Brazil and Mexico. The women are often forced to get married or become prostitutes to make a living.


Recently, Brazil's Supreme Court has started voting on whether to decriminalize abortion or not. However, the session was quickly postponed after a minister called for the vote to take place in person instead of via video and no new date has yet been set.


Currently, abortion in Brazil is only allowed in three cases: raping, constituting a risk to the woman's life and anencephaly. If the Supreme Court votes in favour, abortion will be decriminalized up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

目前,巴西只允许在三种情况下堕胎:被侵犯、危及妇女生命和无脑畸形的胎儿。如果最高法院投赞成票,怀孕 12 周以内的堕胎将合法化。

In order to gain the right to vote, demonstrations take place in Brazil and Mexico over women’s right to have abortion. The origin of the story is this, a woman in Brazil applied for an abortion when the embryo was only fifteen weeks, because it had a disease. Unfortunately, she got the permission of abortion when the baby nearly got birth, she said:”Things could have been so simple, but they prolonged my pain. "

为了获得选举权,巴西和墨西哥发生了关于妇女堕胎权的示威游行。故事的起因是这样的:巴西的一名妇女在胚胎只有 15 周的时候申请堕胎,因为胚胎患有疾病。她说:"事情本来可以很简单,但却延长了我的痛苦。"

Because of the religion, religious believers believe that lives begin at conception, and regard abortion as a behavior that don’t respect the god and they strongly opposed to abortion. That was why the aforementioned woman’s doctors didn’t give her abortion.


Luckily, more and more women are proud enough to fight for their right and I think it's not a political decision, it's about choices, and we all have a right to choose.



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