eclipse 日食|超越,使之黯然失色

eclipse 日食|超越,使之黯然失色

作者: 董八七 | 来源:发表于2019-03-13 11:24 被阅读19次

title: eclips
date: 2019-03-13 11:09:50
NO_sents: 55
NO_references: 31


  • Males show seasonal dichromatism, usually moulting to an eclipse female-like dull brown plumage at the end of each breeding season. (Cockburn, Osmond, Double, 2008)
  • In some analyses, it proved informative to separate the time nuptial plumage was achieved into five time classes informed by biological detail, and hence of unequal length (figure 1a). (i) Stayed in nuptial plumage--achieved nuptial plumage via the post-breeding moult or by rapidly initiating a nuptial moult before achieving full eclipse plumage. (ii) Winter--achieved full eclipse but returned to nuptial plumage before the end of week 26 (2 July). (Cockburn, Osmond, Double, 2008)
  • Whether sustaining blue plumage for a long time imposes viability costs is extremely difficult to test, as a male can only be defined as not having moulted by virtue of its survival in eclipse plumage, biasing analysis to conclude that early moulting imposes a cost. (Cockburn, Osmond, Double, 2008)
  • Although these approaches have been used in the past, next-generation sequencing technologies are expected to eclipse such technologies in the future. (Ritland, 2012)
  • And the numbers of ways for each distribution most similar to the maximum entropy distribution eclipse those of less similar distributions. (McElreath, 2015)
  • These yield levels far eclipse those that had been achieved in previous centuries and millennia in Great Britain (Fig. (Tuberosa, Graner, Frison, 2014)
  • The economic outcome of such a situation would be to potentially eclipse the ability of the owner of the initial variety to obtain an economic return on his initial investments. (Tuberosa, Graner, Frison, 2014)
  • Serious although it is, this difficulty is eclipsed by a further and even more fundamental objection to the standard calculations of LR that has gone unnoticed by paternity experts. (Aickin, 1984)
  • However, this phase has been eclipsed by subsequent achievements in plant breeding. (Forster, 2014)
  • However, biochemical markers were limited and have been eclipsed by DNA markers. (Forster, 2014)
  • Animals were eclipsed by plants, however, as a source of steroidal precursors when in 1940 Russell Marker discovered that Mexican yams of the genus Dioscorea could be utilized to produce diosgenin. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • Because many museums and gardens are well more than a century old and their collections developed early and rapidly, it might be assumed that current collections growth is eclipsed by that resulting from the initial feverish period of collecting during the ''Golden Age of Exploration.'' (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • In 1935 an English scientist, Tansley, introduced the neologism ''ecosystem'' and this term rapidly eclipsed competing names, but ecosystem science was not a well-organized endeavor until 1959, when Eugene Odum and Howard Odum published a groundbreaking textbook, Fundamentals of Ecology. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • In modern times, the gift economy along with the egalitarian worldview that accompanied it, has been eclipsed by a redistributive economy tied not to an exchange of gifts with nature but to the exploitation of nature and to the technologies that enhance that exploitation. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
  • Lignification consequently transformed phenylpropanoid metabolism into a major sink for carbon in plants, eclipsed only by cellulose, such that it has now been estimated to represent as much as 30% of the total biomass produced in the biosphere (Boerjan et al, 2003). (Weng, Chapple, 2010)
  • Fisher's work on the likelihood function in the 1920s and the frequentist work of Neyman and Pearson in the 1930s eclipsed Bayesian inference, the reason being that they offered inferences and measured uncertainty about these inferences without the need of prior information. (Blasco, 2017)
  • Although the use of PROC MIXED for Bayesian analysis has largely been eclipsed by the introduction of PROC MCMC (see Section 9.4), there are situations where a Bayesian model would appear most easily fitted using PROC MIXED. (Brown, Prescott, 2015)
  • In the decade since the first edi tion o f the book was written, the open-source, free R has completely eclipsed its commercial cousin, S-PLUS. (Fox, Weisberg, 2010)
  • Lignification transformed the phenylpropanoid metabolism into a major sink for carbon in plants, eclipsed only by cellulose, and it has now estimated that lignin represents as much as 30% of the total biomass produced in the biosphere (Boerjan et al, 2003). (Jouanin, Lapierre, 2012)
  • As a simultaneous test of either hypothesis (1) or (11), the single studentized range studied here is eclipsed by the multistage studentized range tests of Newman-Keuls and Duncan (Sec. (Miller, 2002)
  • This disease is thought to control stand rotation age in aspen (Jones and Shepperd 1985), which is the age at which the rate of accumulated aboveground stand woody biomass is eclipsed by the rate of decay and stain in the wood. (Nagata, 2010)
  • The ancients were particularly noted for attempts to calculate and anticipate lunar and solar eclipses. (Krantz, 2017)
  • As you might guess from the pebble example, the number of ways corresponding to the maximum entropy distribution eclipses that of any other distribution. (McElreath, 2015)
  • The object is actually an eclipsing binary system (two stars rotating around each other) with a period P = 0.407528 days. (Rice, 2006)



    本文标题:eclipse 日食|超越,使之黯然失色
